



  *** ***1. A. sleep B. sticker C. stand

  *** ***2. A. crayon B. clock C. close

  *** ***3. A. tea B. ten C. tree

  *** ***4. A. breakfast B. blackboard C. basketball

  *** ***5. A. cow B. our C. how


  *** ***1. A. It’s over there.

  B. Yes ,please .

  C.I’d like some milk.

  *** ***2. A. Thank you.

  B. Yes, I don’t.

  C. Good morning.

  *** ***3. A. He’s in the bedroom.

  B. She’s in the kitchen.

  C.It’s in the living room.

  *** ***4. A. It’s five o’clock.

  B. I’m ten.

  C. I have three .

  *** ***5. A. Here you are.

  B. Yes ,it is.

  C. Here’s Jim’s juice.


  *** ***1. A. sandwich B. rice C. milk D.noodles

  *** ***2. A. white B. yellow C. Hungry D.brown

  *** ***3. A. what B. where C. home D.how

  *** ***4. A. swim B. duck C. fly D.run

  *** ***5. A. table B. sofa C. bed D.kitchen


  *** *** 1. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for .

  A. breakfast B. lunch C dinner

  *** ***2.------ How many do you have?

  ------ I have six.

  A . orange B .juice C .ice cream

  *** ***3.------ is Mum ?

  -----She’s in the kitchen .

  A . What B . Where C .How old

  *** ***4.------ I like mangoes.

  ------ too.

  A . I B . My C .Me

  *** ***5. I have sixteen . They’re very beautiful.

  A .sticker B .stickers C . new sticker




  卡片*** *** 黑色*** ***鞋子*** ***麵包*** ***

  公共汽車*** *** 小轎車*** ***床鋪*** ***牛奶*** ***

  馬鈴薯*** *** 一些*** *** 滿的*** ***什麼時候*** ***

  二、選詞填空 ***將正確的序號填在括號裡***。

  1. *** *** __________ do you get up? A. When B. What

  2.*** ***What’s for breakfast, Mom? -------Milk, bread, eggs and _______.

  A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes

  3. *** *** I get up ______ six forty-five. A. at B. On

  4. *** *** Lily __________ at 6:30 a.m. A. gets up B. get up

  5. *** *** Do you like ____? ------- Yes, I do.

  A. tomato B. potato C. ice cream

  6. *** *** Have some ____, please. -------- Thank you.

  A.beef B. beefs C. Fishes

  7. *** *** Vegetables are ____ for you. A.bad B. good C. bed


  1、你早上幾點去學校?When do you _____________ ___________ _____________?

  2、請上車。Get into the_____________.

  3、你幾點吃午飯?When do you ___________ _____________?

  4、她四點半回家。She __________ home ____________4:30 p.m..

  5、吃一些牛肉吧. _________some___________,please.

  6、馬力是王濤的堂妹。 Ma Li is Wang Tao’s ____________________.

  7、她來自臺灣。She__________ _________________ _____________.

  8、這是我們的電腦教室。This is our ________________ _________________.

  9、22加11等於多少? _________ __________ _________ twenty-two and eleven?

  10、 她經常在圖書館看書。She often ________ story __________ in the library.

  11、 現在九點。我們開始。It’s nine o’clock. Let’s ____________.

  12、 現在幾點了?現在九點二十分。What’s the ______? It’s ______ _________.

  13、你在哪個班級?Which____________ are you _________?

  14、我在五年級三班。 I am ___________ _________ ___________, __________ ________.

  15、我妹妹晚上九點鐘睡覺。My sister _______to bed ____ 9:00 ____________.

  16、她經常在操場跑步。She often __________ in the playground.


  1. I ________ Kitty. 2. There_________ a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

  3. Jane and Tom _________my friends. 4. My sisters _______ tall.

  5. _______ there a table in the room? 6. There _____ some potatoes on it.

  7. There ________many monkeys in the zoo. 8. She _______ a student.

  9. I _______ at school now 10. What ____ your name?

  11.These _____ buses. 12.Those _____oranges. 13.Where _____ your mother? 14. How old _____ your sister? 15.Where _____ you ?


  go _______ play________ make ________ look _________ have_______

  come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ do_________

  like______ get_______want______________read________begin_________


  1、Ma Li _____ ***be***Wang Tao‘s cousin. She ______ ***be***from Taiwan.

  2、She ______ ***be***seven. She______in Class Three, Grade One.

  She _____ ***like*** her classroom.

  3、It______***be*** very big. She often ________***run*** in the playground.

  4、Lily _______***get*** up at 6:30 a.m..

  She _____________***have*** breakfast at 6:45 a. m..

  She _____________***go*** to school at 7:15 am.

  5、He often ________***have*** dinner at home.

  6. They _______***have*** the same bags.