
  安全是指不受威脅、沒有危險、危害、損失。人類的整體與生存環境資源的和諧相處,互相不傷害,不存在危險、危害的隱患, 是免除了不可接受的損害風險的狀態。那麼,你知道安全的的英文是什麼嗎?










  He's quite reckless of his own safety.


  Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record.


  The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual safety.


  The management took all reasonable safety precautions.


  The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.


  It's very important to teach the children about road safety.


  Technology security contains one in narrow sense and the other in broad sense.


  Why is the enterprise so vulnerably.


  Oil security is an important part of energy security and economic security.

  1. It's an open secret that the security service bugged telephones. 安全 部門竊聽電話是人人皆知的祕密。

  2. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages. 庫克船長駕駛的船安全 出航100次無事故。

  3. The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security. 確切地點因為安全 原因要保密。

  4. I wanted to get her away to somewhere safe. 我想帶她逃到一個安全 的地方。

  5. The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed. 這輛車報廢了,但人員全部安全 逃離。

  6. In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated. 為安全 起見,該元件作了電絕緣處理。

  7. The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 最近的安全 泊地在新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯。

  8. They offer tips on topics such as home safety. 他們就家居安全 等問題提供建議。

  9. The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit. 除非是直接被擊中,否則這個地下掩體是非常安全 的。

  10. A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident. 有一名安全 部隊成員在一場狙擊戰中被打死。

  11. The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure. 該內建式安全 裝置在水壓下降時能提供保護。

  12. The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “亞特蘭蒂斯”號太空梭今天安全 返回地球。

  13. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted. 5位倖存者最終到達安全 之地時已經衣衫襤褸、飢腸轆轆、精疲力盡。

  14. ASEAN has branched out tentatively into the security business. 東盟已經嘗試將合作範圍拓展到安全 領域。

  15. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening. 安全 部隊不得不介入,以防止局勢進一步惡化。

  16. They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay. 他們在不安全 的工作環境下長時間辛苦勞作,卻只有微薄的工資。

  17. National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential. 國家安全 常被用作對一些事情保密的擋箭牌。

  18. So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you. 現如今很多食品都不安全 ——牛奶、藍莓醬等等。

  19. Many school buildings are unsafe, and some are falling apart. 許多校舍不安全 ,有些簡直是搖搖欲墜。

  20. Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline. 由於存在著危險的下層逆流,在大部分海岸線附近游泳都不安全