家庭是什麼?What is family ?
Everybody has his own family. What is family ? I don‟t think everyone really knows. There are six letters in the word “ FAMILY ”. I think “ F ” means “father”, “A” means “and”, “ M ” means “mother” , “ I ” means“ I”, “ L” means “ love” and “ Y ” means “you”. So “ FAMILY ” is the short form of “ Father and mother , I love you.” Don‟t you think so ? Father and mother love us , and we love father and mother . That‟s a happy family.
我的教室 My classroom
This is our classroom, which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China.In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher.There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What's on the teacher's desk? There are some flowers.
我的“妹妹” My “sister”
I have a “sister”. She is cute and active. Yesterday we went to a village. We flew kites. The weather was windy. Suddenly my hat flew into the lake. I was angry. My “sister” saw the hat. She jumped into the lake and swam to the hat. She returned the hat to me. I was very happy. Then, we went swimming. Five minutes later, I didn’t see my “sister”! I was very sad. Then I went back home. I saw my “sister” on my bed. I was so happy to see her again.
Now, do you know who is my “sister”? OK, let me tell you, she’s my dog----Lala.
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