
  《My Heart Will Go On》是1997年電影《泰坦尼克號》的主題曲,由加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁演唱的一首流行歌曲。下面是小編給大家整理的知識,供大家參閱!

  :《My Heart Will Go On》吉他譜


  :《My Heart Will Go On》歌曲鑑賞

  《My Heart Will Go On》是一首優秀的音樂作品,音樂結構精巧編排,歌曲音調主要以E大調為主,復歌的和絃變化為“C♯m-B-A-B” 。在音樂上,濃烈民族韻味的愛爾蘭錫哨在歌曲中盡顯悠揚婉轉而又悽美動人;《My Heart Will Go On》的旋律從最初的平緩到激昂,再到纏綿悱惻的高潮,一直到最後蕩氣迴腸的悲劇尾聲都十分抒情,短短四分鐘的歌曲實際上是《泰坦尼克號》整部影片的濃縮版本 。

  :《My Heart Will Go On》歌曲歌詞

  Every night in my dreams

  I see you,I feel you

  That is how I know you go on

  Far across the distance

  And spaces between us

  You have come to show you go on

  Near far

  Wherever you are

  I believe

  That the heart does go on

  Once more you open the door

  And you're here in my heart

  And my heart will go on and on

  Love can touch us one time

  And last for a lifetime

  And never let go till we're gone

  Love was when I loved you

  One true time I hold to

  In my life well always go on

  Near far

  Wherever you are

  I believe

  That the heart does go on

  Once more you open the door

  And you're here in my heart

  And my heart will go on and on

  you're here

  There's nothing I fear

  And I know

  That my heart will go on

  Well stay forever this way

  You are safe in my heart

  And my heart will go on and on
