What's the most important thing a college student can do to ensure she'll have a job after graduation? The most common answer to that question lately: Pick the right major.
Major in science or engineering, you'll have no trouble finding work. Study the liberal arts or the humanities, and you're doomed. A recent BuzzFeed video takes this idea to its comic extreme. A bunch of underemployed liberal-arts graduates try to talk a group of college kids out of repeating their mistakes, "Scared Straight"-style.
A recent Pew study complicates this picture a little bit. It found that, yes, a third of college graduates who majored in social science, liberal arts or education regretted their decision. In comparison, 24 percent of people with science and engineering degrees wish they'd studied something else. But overall, when asked what they wish they'd done differently in college, "choosing a different major" wasn't the top answer.
近期的佩尤研究Pew study的結果使這個情況顯得有些複雜。研究結果表明,是的,三分之一的社科、人文專業的大學畢業生對他們的決定感到後悔。形成對比的是,24%的理工科學生倒是想換個專業學學看。但是總的來說,當大學生們被問到如果可以的話,想在大學裡做出哪些改變時,“換個專業”這個回答並沒有排在答案的首位。
The most popular answer, given by half of all respondents, was "gaining more work experience."
Choosing a different major was the fourth most popular response, after "studying harder" and "looking for work sooner."
A possible lesson here: Picking a major with a real-world application might be overrated, at least as college graduates themselves see it.
What students really need is experience putting their knowledge to practical use while they're still in school.
包機 charter flight
大型客機,“大飛機” large passenger aircraft; jumbo jet
比例模型 scale model
航空安全 air safety; flight safety
軍用飛機 military aircraft
民航工業 civil aviation industry
民用飛機civil aircraft
商用飛機 commercial aircraft
運輸飛機cargo plane
北京航天飛行控制中心 Beijing Aerospace2 Control Center BACC
長征二號F運載火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket
長征三號甲運載火箭 Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle
嫦娥1號 Chang’e-1 lunar probe; Chang’e-1 lunar satellite
登月landing on the moon
變軌 orbital transfer
艙口 hatch
艙外活動即“太空行走”extra-vehicular activityEVA
地面作業系統 ground operation system
地形和地表結構 topographical and surface structures
地月轉移軌道 Earth-moon transfer orbit
定向天線 directional antenna3
“東方紅”衛星 Dongfanghong DFH satellite
多級火箭 multistage rockets
發射視窗 launch window “發射視窗”是指運載火箭發射航天器選定的一個比較合適的時間範圍,即允許運載火箭發射的時間範圍。
發射前的最後檢查和測試 pre-launch tests
發射區 launch site
發射升空 blast off
發射升空 liftoff; blastoff; take off
發射臺 launch pad
發射衛星 launch a satellite
返回艙 re-entry module
返回式衛星 recoverable satellite
繪製月球表面的三維影象 map three-dimensional images of the lunar surface
鐳射高度計 laser altimeter
極軌道 polar orbit
緊急供氧裝置 emergency oxygen apparatus
近地點 perigee
近地軌道 low Earth orbit
扶梯 ladder
服務艙 service module
干涉成像光譜儀 interference imaging spectrometer
觀測裝置 observation instruments
軌道艙 orbital module
國防科學技術工業委員會 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense COSTIND
國際空間站 International Space Station
航天服 space suit
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