Xiao yong He
Rm. 2, 4F, Sun Tong Plaza, 1368 Huanhai Rd ***W***
***021*** 64335892 Email: zhuna
English assistant position at a multinational company in Shanghai.
X X X Co., Ltd., Shanghai 2000-present Executive assistant to head of factory
Responsibilities include prioritizing appointment schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing English and Japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff.
X X X Network, Inc., Shanghai 1998-2000 Executive assistant to vice manager
Responsibilities included scheduling appointments, keeping files, and traveling to Europe to make advance arrangements for client conferences and extensive client contact.
X X X Publishing Company, Shanghai 1995-1998 Office assistant
Responsibilities included word processing, data entry, filing, and sometimes bookkeeping.
X X X Training Center, Shanghai 1999
Completed course of computer typing skills, shorthand, computerized accounts, and manual bookkeeping.
X X X College of Continuing Education, Shanghai 1998
Completed one-year Japanese course
X X X College of Shanghai 1991-1995
Majored in English for Business, Obtained BA
★ Familiar with English accounting and bookkeeping
☆ Fluent in oral and written English
★Able to communicate in Japanese
☆ Computer skills in Window XP
★ Typing speed of 80 wpm
☆ Good organizational skills
★ Experience of bilingual interpretation
References available on request
Personal Information
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 1971-6-20
Residency: SHANGHAI
Work Experience: >10 years
Address: Gangla Road
Mobile: 139*********
Home Tel: 010--********
Current Salary: **********RMB /Year
Career Objective
I have 10 years work experience in sales and at least 8 years experience in a managerial position in a fast-paced growth environment. I deeply understand the Chinese market and realities. I have full of experience in marketing?sales?distributor manager, and have strong leadership capabilities, able to manage a large sales team. I have strong work responsibility and can travel frequently.
Work Experience
2005/03--Present?HengTai Consumables Group Shanghai HengLian trade co.,ltd
Position: Sales center Sales Manager of Center
Responsibility of?
1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and policy, and achieve target sales goals.
2. Management the 28 distributors in the national, participate in the important sales project, exploit the important customer relationship and industry cooperation.
3. Constitute the sales management system and flow system, exploit the sales market, increase the market rate.
4. Manage sales team, distribute the sales task, enhance the capacity of mid-managers and the whole team.
5. Manage the sales budget and distribute the sales resource rationally.
Outstanding achievement?
The total sale of this company is 6.8 million in 2004, and increased to 16.8million in total 2005 after I join this company.
2003/06--2004/12?Shanghai Brightdairy
Position: Regional Sales Manager
Responsibility of?
1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and achieve target sales goals.
2. Operation and management the whole WuXi filiale:
Accomplish the sales task and manage the distributors;
Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance?
Team recruit?Training and evaluating?
Management the HR?admin?account?sales?logistic?storage Dept and so on.
Outstanding achievement?
1. Over 6million sales per month and 100million per year during my hold a post.
2. The sales in the first quarter increased 44% after I join the company, and I gained the especially premium twice by CEO.
1995/12--2000/07?Shanghai Goodfoods Company
Position: Sales Supervisor
Responsibility of?
1. Manage the sales of “LONGFENG” freeze foods in 4 regionals: hongkou?uangpu?zhabei?yangpu.
2. Manage the most important 9 distributors.
3. Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance.
4. Manage the sales team of 10 sales people?
Outstanding achievement?the monthly sale over 3 million during my hold a post?
1992/06--1994/05?Shanghai normal university Business Administration Associate
Language Skills
Fluent both in oral and written English, Chinese Native speaker, Shanghai Dialect
Name: *****Chen
PR Visa in Australia
Nationality: Chinese
Electronic engineer
A stand member of Chinese Institution of Electron ***CIE***
IEAUST member
Bachelor Degree of Engineering
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China 1988-1992
Major: Bio-medical engineering and instrumentation
************** China Representative Office
May 2000 - 3rd Dec 2002
CTS Electronic Engineer
Website: com
********Representative Office
Product enhancement, component selection, insure qualification plans in place, develop plans to achieve the product cost targets, medical and laboratory instrumentation calibration, maintenance of all diagnostic and life-support systems and project engineering, software recommendation, installation and maintenance, customer support and service, failure analysis, support for all laboratory computer systems.
***** University, China
July 1992 - May 2000
Electronic Service Engineer
- 英文個人求職簡歷模板簡潔
- 暑期如何合理規劃初一數學學習
- 人生與理想的名言
- 開學第一課國旗下演講稿
- 雞蛋花的功效作用及注意事項
- 有關愛生活的句子
- 週末快樂祝福語圖片大全
- 小學生的交通安全繪畫作品
- 鼓勵學習的名言語錄
- 想瘦大腿吃什麼食物最好
- 沙畫教學視訊
- 關於維生素飲料的廣告詞
- 有關學習的諺語與名人名言
- 五年級安全為主題的手抄報的內容
- 化妝品銷售工作計劃素材模板
- 寫給逝去外公的一封信
- 黨風黨紀專題民主生活會發言提綱
- 學校演講主持詞開場白
- 十二星座處女座的企業家都有誰
- 說給女朋友聽的甜蜜情話合集
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字