Be an Optimist
Do you see the glass as half-full rather than hall empty? The two different answers to the question represent two different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.
Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wong the pessimist tends to blame himsell, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his oval life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn't seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.
Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.
There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes miserable. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds.
One is said to be optimistic and the other pessimistic about everything around them. People who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conversation, the well-prepared dishes, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary things. Therefore, they are continually discontented themselves. By their remarks, they sour the pleasures of society, offend many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere
Do you see the glass as half-full rather than hall empty? The two different answers to the question represent two different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.
Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wong the pessimist tends to blame himsell, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his oval life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn't seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.
Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.
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