


  Today is Christmas, at night, my father said to me: "If you soon fell asleep this evening, then Santa Claus may see, will quietly put the gift next to your pillow. I fell asleep, I pretend to sleep I was really asleep, dreaming of Santa Claus, came in quietly, put the gift next to my pillow, and left, and when I was sitting in my pillow, I think Santa Claus is going to give gifts to other children? In the morning, I woke up and saw the gift next to the pillow, or a lovely music doll, touch, you will sing. Happy, hope that Christmas will never end, Santa will never leave us.

  I will remember this day on December 24th.




  Christmas arrived, into the school to hear the campus shouting a 'Christmas happy'. Of course, our class is also bustling. My class a few boys have me, one holding a bottle of snow, ribbon, where the spray. For some time in the classroom, the bustling, some with Santa's hat, some with snow, ribbon and then spray, and some girls in the classroom on the blackboard painted some beautiful patterns, some read 'wish Teacher happy Christmas' words. Campus, the classroom, the playground, the sea one. Of course, environmental health is also very dirty, our class clean area where a few girls standing guard, but a few boys or snow, ribbon to our class clean area spray. Happy time is always not that fast, not a class bell rang, the students have returned to the class. Our classmates have been waiting for the arrival of the teacher, the teacher came in our class squad leader shouted 'stand up' We like a well-trained army stood up and shouted 'wish the teacher happy Christmas'. The teacher saw the words on the blackboard, almost moved to cry.

  Today I had a happy Christmas.





  Today is December 25, Christmas.

  Early in the morning, my father and mother said to each other, "MerryChrismas!" Dad said that people in Western countries had been as lively as the Chinese had been through the Spring Festival. Mom immediately opened the computer access to the "Christmas", "Christmas tree" and "Santa Claus" origin and legend. I feel very curious and interesting!

  I took out a few days ago quietly made to my father, my mother's favorite gift. Dad happy to say again and again: "Thankyou! Thankyou!" Also hold me up! I am so happy!

  Afternoon, my mother took me to the water transport square to buy Christmas tree. Where people are so much! My mother bought me a lot of gifts, there will be singing "Jinglebell" toys Santa Claus, there are legendary magic wand ... ... Although my mother did not buy me a Christmas tree, but I have been very satisfied.

  After returning home, I opened the bag, put the Santa on the ground, saw him run and sing "Jinglebell, jinglebell ... ..." We were amused. Dad reminded me: "the gift to cherish Oh!" I said: "Well, must!"

  Today, it's a happy Christmas!





