


  1. ***2015·福州模擬***After two days, our food ________ , and we had to return to the camp.

  A. gave in       B. gave away

  C. gave out D. gave up

  【解析】選C。句意: 兩天後我們的食物用完了, 我們不得不返回營地。give out用光, 耗盡; give in屈服; give away洩露; give up放棄。

  2. Not only food and clothes but also some necessary equipment ________ sent to the disaster-hit area since the powerful earthquake occurred.

  A. has been B. have been

  C. is being D. are being

  【解析】選A。考查主謂一致。句意: 自從強有力的地震發生後, 一些必要的裝置、食物和衣物被送到了災區。這裡的謂語和就近的some necessary equipment一致, 所以用單數形式。not only A but also B結構中謂語動詞單複數和B一致。時間狀語為since+一般過去時從句, 所以謂語動詞要用完成時。


  Not only ________ the activity ________ public awareness of world hunger, but raised a lot of money for the poor children.

  A. /; has increased B. is; increased

  C. has; increased D. /; increased

  【解析】選C。句意: 這次活動不僅增強了公眾對世界飢餓的認識, 而且為貧窮的孩子募集了很多資金。not only. . . but***also***. . . 不僅……而且……, not only置於句首時, 所在分句用部分倒裝。

  3. ***2015·合肥模擬***—What a pity! I missed The Voice of China last night.

  —Don’t worry. It ________ again this weekend.

  A. broadcasts B. will be broadcast

  C. is broadcast D. will broadcast

  【解析】選B。考查動詞的時態和語態。句意: ——多麼遺憾啊! 我昨天晚上錯過了《中國好聲音》。——別擔心。這個週末還會重播的。根據語境和時間狀語this weekend可知, 此處應用一般將來時的被動語態, 故B項正確。

  4. She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great ________ on her employer.

  A. influence B. effort

  C. impression D. effect

  【解析】選C。句意: 她非常自信地說話因為她想給僱主留下好的印象。make an impression on sb. 給某人留下印象; influence影響; effort努力; effect效果。

  5. Thomas was ________ of having stolen a famous painting worth $100 million by Da Vinci.

  A. accused B. charged C. punished D. scolded

  【解析】選A。句意: 托馬斯被控告偷了達芬奇所畫的一幅價值1億美元的名畫。四個選項中只有accuse和of搭配。accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事; charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事; punish sb. for sth. 因某事而懲罰某人; scold sb. for sth. 因某事而責備某人。

  6. An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been ________ .

  A. put back B. put off

  C. put up D. put forward

  【解析】選D。句意: 有人已經提出一項測量火星周圍大氣層的饒有趣味的建議。put forward提出; put back放回原處; put off推遲; put up舉起, 搭建。

  7. We were in the same primary school for six years but now his name ________ me.

  A. escaped B. forgot

  C. left D. fled

  【解析】選A。句意: 我們在同一所小學上了六年, 但是現在我記不住他的名字了。escape被遺忘, 主語為物; forget忘記, 主語為人; leave離開; flee逃離。

  8. ***2015·福州模擬***Black holes ________ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task.

  A. can B. should C. must D. need

  【解析】選A。can意為“能夠”, 表示黑洞是不能直接被看見的。should意為“應該”, 表示因責任、必要、義務、道義、原則等方面的原因而應該做的事。must意為“必須”, 表示出於職責、義務該做某事或出於主觀意識而必須要做某事。need意為“需要”。

  9. ***2015·衢州模擬***The weather in Quzhou is rather cold in winter, especially ________ that in my hometown. A. having compared to B. comparing to

  C. compare to D. compared to

  【解析】選D。句意: 衢州的冬天是相當冷的, 尤其是把它和我的家鄉的氣候相比較的時候。根據題意可知, 句子的主語是weather, 與compare之間構成被動關係, 此處是過去分詞作狀語。

  10. The bus stop at my block corner is very ________ , where I take a ride easily to school every morning.

  A. necessary B. comfortable

  C. convenient D. practical

  【解析】選C。句意: 我們街區拐角附近的公共汽車站很方便, 每天早晨我在那兒可以很容易坐車去上學。convenient方便到達的, 方便的; necessary必要的; comfortable舒服的; practical實用的。

  11. —How did you find the London Eye during your visit to London as an exchange student?

  — ________ ! It impressed me very much.

  A. Regretting B. Amazing

  C. Frustrating D. Amusing

  【解析】選B。句意: ——在你作為一個交換生參觀倫敦期間, 你認為倫敦眼摩天輪怎麼樣? ——非常棒! 它給我留下的印象非常深刻。A項為動詞regret的現在分詞; amazing驚人的, 很棒的, 了不起的; frustrating令人沮喪的; amusing有趣的, 引人發笑的。

  12. I can finish the work alone! I feel much more ________ about myself and my abilities these days after training in this field. A. confident B. energetic

  C. generous D. curious

  【解析】選A。考查形容詞辨析。句意: 我能自己完成這項工作! 經過這方面的訓練後, 這些天來我對自己和自己的能力更加自信了。confident自信的, 確信的, 符合句意。energetic精力充沛的; generous慷慨的, 大方的; curious好奇的, 均與題意不符。

  13. ***2015·無錫模擬***The pleasant weather ________ our pleasure. We had a wonderful time during our holiday.

  A. added up to B. added in

  C. added up D. added to

  【解析】選D。句意: 怡人的天氣增添了我們的樂趣。我們假期過得很愉快。add to增添; add up to總計達到; add in把……包括在內; add up把……加起來。

  14. ***2015·福州模擬***With the word“PM2. 5” ________ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for hazy days.

  A. constantly B. instantly

  C. rarely D. directly

  【解析】選A。句意: 隨著“PM2. 5”這個詞頻繁出現在媒體的報道中, 人們更加關注這個詞, 並尋找應對霧霾天氣的健康建議。constantly經常地, 不斷地, 符合題意; instantly立刻; rarely罕見地; directly直接地。

  15. He has got the job because he has the advantage ________ others of knowing many languages.

  A. against B. beyond C. over D. above

  【解析】選C。句意: 他得到了那份工作, 因為他懂很多語言, 比別人有優勢。have the advantage over優於, 勝過, 佔優勢, 為固