The most important thing of the summer vacation is to go to Beijing to soak in the hot spring.
The dance class went to Beijing this year. It was over. There was a hot spring in that hotel, so I went to a hot spring with several classmates and parents. It's a natural hot spring. They
found a small place, and I began to play a game called "picking stones and picking stones." The parents threw stones and we picked up stones. I won. Then I threw my mother and they picked up
rocks. The other parents won. There's also a small fish in a hot spring, and we'll soak it in it and it will bite your dead skin. In that there was a little bit of the tickling of your skin,
and when you laughed it ran, I caught a fish, put it in a paper cup, and nobody caught the fish. The next day the teacher organizations to indoor hot spring, there are three slide, each one is
very fun, that there was to the waves of the sea, I am a classmate do rafts, those waves inside into a lot of water.
It was fun!
I remember a time when my father and I went to west haizi park to play a "golden dragon pulley".
I was so scared by the name that I said, "no! I don't sit!" But dad strength, suddenly pulls me up, when I want to come down, the car had already left, on the seat, each turn right I will undergo a "torture", because my dad is so fat, is always right to squeeze me, my ribs was crowded began to pain. It's fun to go up and down, just like a person who puts a wing on his arm, and then slowly flies away, and then goes down... What's more interesting is the downhill, especially fast, like a swooping black hawk, and the surrounding scene is like a quick shot, which has not been seen before. Finally we had a few turns over, got off the car, I head fainted, I could not recognize southeast northwest where! I stammered, "dad, I won't be sitting next time!
It's so funny to sit in the golden dragon block!
One day, go to grandma's house to look at the chicken, the chicken has a pair of lovely small mouth, small mouth pointy is very good-looking, very interesting.
In particular, the chicks are unforgettable. That day, the old hen led the people to catch the worm. The old hen gave a demonstration to the chicken. Old hen with claws digging the soil, the worm is old hen to eat, chicken is demonstrated with the appearance of the old hen to catch insects, worms saw hurriedly ran away, the chicken chasing, the chicken did not catch up with the first time, because the worm runs too fast. The second time, the chicken went after the bug again, and as a result, the bug had no strength, and it seemed to say, "I can't, you take me back." The chicken took it back and ate it.
The fact that the chicken catches the worm is not only interesting but also makes me understand a philosophy that will succeed if I don't give up.
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