Christmas, is the children's favorite holiday. Because, when on Christmas Eve, put a sock in the head of a bed, Santa Claus will be obedient children socks, put some gifts. But who know the origin of Christmas?
There is such a story: the origin of Christmas is the birth of Jesus had a story, Jesus is as conceived by the holy spirit, born of the virgin Mary. More god sent messengers garber spoke to Joseph in a dream, don't she told him not to because Mary becoming pregnant out of wedlock, but want to marry with her, put the child called "Jesus", means to save his people from their SINS. When Mary is about to face plate, the Roman government under the command, all the people must declare to Bethlehem residence. Joseph and Mary had to obey. When they reached Bethlehem, it's already faint, but two people cross the host failed to find the hotel, only a stable can stay. At that moment, Jesus is born! So only in the manger, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Later generations to commemorate the birth of Jesus, is on December 25th is Christmas day, mass every year to commemorate the birth of Jesus. In addition, westerners with red, green, white tricolor as the Christmas color, Christmas comes every household are decorated with Christmas colors, and the Christmas tree, with Christmas tree there is a saying, it is said that about the 16th century, the germans first take evergreen pine branches to house decoration, later, Martin Luther, a German missionary, lit candles on the vertical branches of the forest and make it look like a guide to the cypress constant stars, like twenty years ago Dr East in accordance with the stars in the sky to find Jesus. Today, people have to switch to small bulbs instead of candles. The Christmas tree is Christmas colors of green. The cold of snow and ice is white Christmas comes at a time when climate environment. The red Santa Claus actually called Nicholas.
Know this time! MERRYCHRISTMAS!
Always so comfortable and pleasant impression of Christmas. No winter chills at impression of December, there is only the warmth of spring. Primary school the last bunch of plum flower open, open in the club should open festival of Christmas.
Every day, no matter who you are, always littered with CARDS on the table, write full blessing of the statement.
The distance by color crayon daub, deserve to go up swirl of snow, giving the innocence of the Christmas holiday. After school, the students are in the stalls buy ribbons, balloons, risking snow to adorn the classroom and through each section. Lose the dignity of the old school, instead of Christmas atmosphere, and the quiet of quiet, elegant fragrance in the season of the plum flower open, nowhere is there is no joy, after the daily fierce competition in the brain.
Elementary school white Christmas, everybody together, inside and outside in the classroom with ribbon flowers, to come to school partners also is always laughter buried. The smile is not April fool's day, the smile is not for children's smile, nor the pride of victory self-centered. Look at piles of CARDS and companion on the desk in the "merry Christmas", a stream of home inns into heart, feel warm. This western flower festival, estimated in east Asia, is no different.
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