1, early in the morning, my father and my mother said to each other: "Merrychrismas!" Dad said that Western people who lived in Christmas as we Chinese as the Spring Festival as lively. Mom immediately opened the computer access to the "Christmas"
2, "Christmas tree" and "Santa Claus" origin and legend. I feel very curious and interesting!
3, Santa Claus originally refers to the fourth century AD, the bishop of the small Asian region Nicholas, he was amiable and amiable and generous and famous. In the 6th century, the East called him the name of St. Nicholas. As the folk legend about Nicholas, are linked to children and gifts, since then, Santa has become a special Christmas gift to the children of the kind image of the elderly. By the 18th century, through the literature and painting, Santa Claus gradually became a white beard wearing white clothes, white eyebrows old image.
4, on television to see a Santa Claus, love painting I see after the inspiration, a look that is very difficult, I patiently painted, I saw Santa wearing a red hat, wearing a red jacket, wearing Big black boots. The most notable is the long white white beard and carrying a big bag, smiling, looks naive, full of energy.
5, Christmas night refers to the evening of December 24 to 25 morning The church organizes some hymns ***or consists of the believers spontaneously*** to door to door to sing a Christmas carol at the door or window, called "good news", meaning to reproduce the angels to the Bethlehem outskirts of the shepherd to report the birth of Jesus good news. "Reported good news" called christmaswaits, this activity is often going to dawn, the number of more and more, singing more and more big, the streets are full of songs singing.
6, a Western foreigners - Christmas, lead to China, even some of China's dolls know that Christmas will be a Christmas tree, the Christmas tree will receive gold candy. Therefore, the "Christmas tree" to lead the child's favorite.
7, a song end, we stopped playing, began the Christmas draw. We have got a very beautiful gift, but also to others happy. Holding a gift of their own, I sweet smile, feel very happy, very comfortable ... ...
I had wanted to draw it out as soon as I had some interesting things that caught my attention.
Today, passing a newspaper, suddenly saw a newspaper printed on a Santa Claus, a moment actually brought me countless ideas. So I quickly bought this newspaper, and then take home to outline the outline of the elderly from the thin.
I patience to paint, Santa Claus wearing a red hat, wearing a red jacket, wearing a large black boots. One of the most prominent part of the screen is Santa's long white beard and carrying a big bag, smiling, looks naive, full of energy.
I picked up the painting to look at Santa Claus, watching and looking like a blend of painting.
Santa Claus stood beside me, won the big bag, gave me three gifts, and said that this is good for my development. Put down the gift and sat down on the sleigh.
I opened the first gift. I saw inside is a "magic mirror", put down the glasses of 400 degrees, wearing a mirror, how far the objects are clearly seen, wearing a week no longer wear glasses can see a few kilometers away Things, almost become a thousand miles. And then check the degree of the eye, are more than 4.5. Has broken the Guinness Book of World Records.
I opened the second gift, I saw there is a bunch of "fairy flower" This flower has Xianqi, as long as the opening suddenly filled with a refreshing, refreshing, feeling comfortable feeling. And elders will be longevity, children will increase the memory, will analyze the problem is good or bad, will overcome the difficulties and obstacles, but also self-protection. If the bad people smell the flowers, so that they can not help but become a good person, to help others, happy yourself!
The third gift I can not wait to open, turned out to be a book size of the bag, this package has many strange features, not only easy to stretch, but also to change things bigger than it into the bag, Just as easy as the paper, every day school is very light.
Oh, thank you, thank you for giving me the gift.
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