復活節一般在在陽曆中3月22日至4月25日之間的任何一天,是要推算出來的,復活節手抄報體現了復活節的什麼特點呢?下面由小編與大家分享,復活節的復活節島及History Of Easter Day 復活節歷史,希望對你有用!
荷蘭人雅可布·洛加文率領的一支艦隊,在1772年發現南太平洋的智利以西外海有一個島嶼。因發現該島這一天正好是復活節,洛加文在航海圖上記下此島位置及在旁邊記下“復活節島”。直至1774年,英國探險家詹姆斯·庫克船長再次找到該島。當今的人類學界多根據當地的語言稱此島為拉帕努伊島***Rapa Nui***,這是1860年代來自大溪地的波利尼西亞勞工對它的稱呼。目前復活節島由智利統治。
History Of Easter Day 復活節歷史
According to the history, Easter Day commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixionand death. Easter Day is followed by the Eastertide, a fifty-day long period comprising of Mardi Gras and Lent. Lent is a forty-day period of fasting, prayers, reflection, and penance, and ends with the Easter Sunday. The last week of Lent is the Holy Week, and contains the Good Friday. Lent represents the 40-days Jesus spent in the wilderness wandering, surviving various evil and beguiling temptations by the devil. Good Friday commemorates the day of crucifixion and death of Jesus. The Holy Saturday represents the transition period between the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mardi Gras is the last feast of food and fun before the start of Lent, and Maundy Thursday marks the last supper of Jesus with his disciples.
根據《牛津詞典》和其他一些文章,***比如Francis X. Weiser的“Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs”***,英文Easter這個字與猶太人的逾越節這個字有關,這不僅因為耶穌就是逾越節的羔羊,而且在時間上耶穌基督的復活和逾越節也吻合。在很多歐洲的語言裡,不僅逾越節的宴席曾稱為Easter,而且早期英文聖經譯本中用Easter來翻譯逾越節。