Just back from a tour of several Arabian Gulf1 countries, a woman recalls how jumpy she felt talking to men there. “Not because of what they said, ”she explains,“ but what they did with their eyes. ”Instead of the occasional blink, Arabs lowered their lids so slowly and languorously that she was convinced they were falling asleep. In Japan eye contact is a key to the way you feel about someone. And the less of it,the better. What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye , the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personal affront. Even when shaking hands or bowing — and especially when conversing6 — only an occasional glance into the other person’s face is considered polite. The rest of the time , great attention should be paid to fingertips, desktops,and the warp and woof of the carpet.“Always keep your shoes shined in Tokyo, ”advises an electronics representative who has spent several days there .“You can bet a lot of Japanese you meet will have their eyeson them. ”
Ⅰ. Do you understand the meaning of the following sentences relating to eye and could you explain them in your own words ?
1. His eye s are bigger than his stomach.
2. He’s got a black eye .
3. Mary spent the whole evening making eye s at other men.
4. The trip to Australia was quite an e ye -opener.
5. My wife and I don’t see eye to eye on this matter.
6. She is always the apple of her father’s eye .
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:
1. The discovery of the murder weapon provided the key the mystery.
2. Please keep an eye the baby for me.
3. Can you look me the eye and say you didn’t steal it?
4. For a moment her words didn’t sink .
Ⅰ. 1. He is too greedy in asking for or taking more food than he can eat.
2. He’s been beaten by somebody and there is a dark bruised skin around his eye.
3. Mary spent the whole evening looking at other men amorously and seductively.
4. The trip to Australia was very enlightening and brought some surprises to me.
5. I don’t agree with my wife on this matter.
6. She is loved much by his father.
Ⅱ. 1. to 2. on 3 . in 4 . in
從波斯灣的幾個國家旅行回來後, 一位女士回想起她同當地男子談話時忐忑不安的情景。“ 不是他們說話的內容, ”她解釋說,“ 而是他們說話時的眼神讓我緊張不安。”阿拉伯人不是偶爾眨一下眼睛, 而是緩慢而倦怠地垂下眼瞼, 這使她誤以為這些阿拉伯人就要睡著了。
在日本, 眼神的接觸是你瞭解別人的關鍵所在。眼神接觸越少越好。西方人認為看著別人的眼睛是一種誠實的表現, 而東方人則將盯視對方看作是不尊敬別人, 是對他人的一種冒犯。實際上, 在握手或鞠躬的時候, 尤其是在兩人交談的時候, 偶爾朝對方的臉上掃一眼才是禮貌的舉動。其他時候, 談話人則應把注意力集中在指尖、桌面以及地毯表面的紋理上。“ 在東京, 記住一定要讓你的皮鞋保持光亮可鑑, ”一位已經在那裡呆了幾天的電子產品代理人提出忠告,“ 我敢說許多你遇到的日本人都會對你的鞋盯上幾眼的。”
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