Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.
有很強的領悟力和理解力,思維開闊、敏捷,能夠很快適應不同環境。 勤奮,踏實,有責任心,對自己的工作盡職盡責。 做事認真、專注,有計劃、有條理,追求完美。 形象良好,性格溫和、穩重,親和力強,善於與人相處。 有耐心,對壓力和挫折有承受力。
In 20XX, Ginza, the culture industry as a whole into Lushang media group, Ginza Plaza Management Center under the leadership of general manager, optimize the office environment, establish a new image.
現將個人的工作不足及今後工作的打算總結如下: 被動的處理工作,對待工作不能主動出擊。工作梳理不夠明晰,對於手頭上的工作重點不夠明確。本職業務不夠熟悉,對外市場瞭解不夠。工作進行中不懂得地方,未能及時請教詢問領導。
At the same time improve the company's management system, to create an elite team. In this opportunity, as a good environment, as a lot of my personal problems, leadership of my criticism and concern, deeply touched me. Now the personal work and future work will be summarized as follows: passive treatment work, do not take the initiative to deal with the work. Work combing is not clear, the focus on the task at hand is not clear enough. Not familiar with their own business, the external market is not enough. Do not understand the work of the local, failed to consult the leadership in time.
The future work plan, to further strengthen their service awareness, adhere to the integrity of business, service oriented. Work hard to learn the knowledge and business of their own work. Understanding of investment information, from the newspaper, television, network learning investment knowledge, enrich the mind, release ideas, update ideas. Spare time to go to the large CED market research, statistical data for the actual work. More than running a new customer, the new emerging business projects to understand the reserves of customer resources.
Their lack in the work place. In the future, we must strengthen learning, strive to improve their own quality: dedication, do a good job in their own work; the help of concern to the leadership, colleagues and grow into a good business workers.
Good command of computer skills:familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software,obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Photoshop and Dreamwaver。
Completed all the courses in the specialized field,obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental skill;Very adaptable and good at learning ;I won the national first-class scholarship。
Easygoing and congenial,with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit。
Fluent in oral English,with fairly good of reading and writing ability;Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese。
Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.
I am a sincere man, have a stable personality and a high sense of responsibility; Initiative,independent, and have coordination skills and teamwork spirit;
prepared to work hard , have good communication skills and Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force
strong ability to learn, glad to accept other’s guidance and criticism. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths. Have strong determination to succeed. All I want is to progress together with company during my burning youth.
具有吃苦耐勞精神和良好的交際技能,可以適應在多元文化環境和不同的團隊中工作; 學習能力強並且樂意接受別人的批評指點。我相信自己的才能,並堅信自己能夠成功,而且希望能將自己最熱血的青春奉獻給公司與公司一同成長。
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