He has a crush on a girl in our class.
單詞:crush 迷戀
短語:has a crush on***someone***暗戀***某人*** 15.我對你有好感.I kind of like you .單詞:kind of 有那麼點兒也可以直譯: I have feelings for you .or I like you more than a friend.
2.他很花心.He is player.單詞:player n.遊戲者
3.他很會吃醋.He can get very jealous.單詞:jealous adj.吃醋的,嫉妒心強的
It would be better for us to be friends ranther than lovers.
5.愛情是一輩子的煩惱.Love is a lifetime of trouble.
單詞:lifetime n.一生;終生
6.你深深烙印在我心深處.Your impression has been etched deeply in my heat.
單詞:etch 蝕刻:銘刻類似說法: You will always have a pace in my heart. 你在我心中總有一席之地.
You are here in my heart .
你就在我心深處.***出自電影<<泰坦尼克號>>主題曲,My Heart Will Go On .***
7.一生只愛你一人.All my life, I’ll only love you.
你也可以這樣說:You are the love of me.
You wii always be the only for me.
Because you,my life is filled with hope.
What is my place in your heart?
Do I have a place in your heart?
Love is blind.
單詞:blind adj.盲目的.
古今中外都認為愛情是盲目的,因此中英文都有類似的感嘆,中文我們會說”情人眼裡出西施”,英文會說in love you are perfect.
11.不要敷衍我!Don’t blow me off .
短語:blow ***someone*** off 敷衍
You can turn me down,but don’t lie to me.
Who is his mistress.?單詞:mistress n.情婦
Who is he having an affair with?
With whom is he having an affair?
短語:have an affair with someone 感情出軌
the third party 第三者
I regret everything I’ve done.
15.我心碎了.My heart is broken.
你也可以說:My heart is breaking.
或 My heart has started to wither.我的心開始枯萎了.***比較古老但富有詩意的說法***
16.我跟你完了. I’ll finished with you.
短語:be finished with ***someone*** 和某人結束了一段感情.你還可以這麼說:I’ve had it with you.
I’m done with you.
17.天天吵架,真的很煩! Arguing every day is really annoying! 單詞:argu v.吵架
18.讓我們分手吧!Let’s break up.
短語:break up 分裂;結束 也可以說:I want to split up.
1. be in a good mood, feel cheerful 心情喜悅
e.g. I’m in a good mood today. 我今天心情很好。
My birthday always makes me feel cheerful.我的生日總是讓我心情喜悅。
2. be radiant with joy 喜行於色
e.g. She was radiant with joy when I asked her to marry me.
3. be pleased beyond description 喜不勝言
e.g. I was pleased beyond description that I got this job.
4. eyes twinkle with pleasure 喜上眉梢
e.g. His eyes twinkle with pleasure every time he remembers last winter.
5. light up with pleasure 喜笑顏開
e.g. His face lit up with pleasure when she came in.
6. be extremely delighted 歡天喜地
e.g. We're extremely delighted at your success.
7. be wild with joy, be ecstatic, be exuberant 欣喜若狂
e.g. The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the final goal.
e.g. We were ecstatic to be together again.
e.g. The children could not have been any more exuberant at the birthday party. 孩子們在生日聚會上真是無比開心。
8. wear a happy expression, look cheerful 面帶喜色;面帶笑容
e.g. He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried. 即使他很擔心,他也總是面帶笑容。
e.g. You look cheerful today. What's the good news?
9. be overjoyed 喜出望外
e.g. Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long.
1. You're getting on my nerves.
照字面上來看這句話就是你碰到我的神經了, 引申為讓別人生氣的意思. 比如說別人一直取笑你, 你不高興就可以說 You get on my nerve. 這句話的意思跟 jump on my back 差不多. Jump on my back 就是說某人去惹到你了, 試想如果有一個人在你背上跳啊跳的, 那會是什麼樣的感覺? 所以凡是有人去惹到你, 你就可以警告他說, You are jumping on my back!
2. Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night.
不要再煩我了, 我昨晚沒睡耶!
這句話跟上一句剛好是一對. 比如說你一早去上班, 老闆就說你這個不是, 那個不是, 工作為什麼又沒做完, 這句話就可以派上用場了! 你可以大聲地跟老闆說, Get off my back. I didn't sleep last night. 然後再來你就可以準備收拾東西走路了. 因為你老闆可能會跟你說, Then get out of my face, I don't want to see you again.
3. Cut me some slack!
Give me some slack!
Slack 就是鬆懈的意思, 雖然我寫的中文解釋不太一樣, 但其實這句話跟 Get off my back 是一模一樣的。
4. Don't let me down.
Down 在英文的口語裡面解釋成心情不好, 心情低落, 或是覺得很失望. 例如有一首很有名的英文歌曲裡就有這麼一句, Please don't let me down. 請不要讓我失望. Down 也有沮喪的意思在內. 跟 blue ***憂鬱*** 這個字差不多, 所以下次當你看到別人心情不好, 不妨過去問一下, Why are you feeling down? 或是 Why are you feeling blue?
請注意 Let down 和 turn down 雖然聽來很類似, 但它們的意思卻截然不同. Let down 是讓人家失望的意思, 而 turn down 則是拒絕別人的邀請.
5. I don't give a shit.
I don't give a damn.
Shit 跟 damn 都是最不值錢的東西, 連 shit 跟 damn 都不給, 就是說根本不屑一顧. 比如說你知道有人在背後說你壞話, 你就可以這麼說, I don't give a shit.
6. People have dirty looks on their faces.
有一次老美跟我說他來上學的時候路上塞車, 車上的人臉都很臭, 他就是說 People have dirty looks on their faces. 我當時覺得很有趣, 因為 dirty 在這裡並不是指髒的意思, 或是說長的難看, 而是說臉很臭的意思, 各位覺得呢?
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