


  my name is xxxx, and english name is luky, please note that is luky i/o luck, i'm very vexation that someone always make mistake to call me luck. kindly pay attention on it.

  i graduated from a senior high school, and major liberal arts 5 years ago. now, i study at china radio and television university jiaoguang guangzhou branch at my own expense, and major english language. but it is still have a year to finish the course and graduate. so i still have to pay one year’s night go to school for study, because i must pay the daytimes for my joy.

  i'm honest, optimistic and conscientious. i’m working in a foreign company at the shipping department over 2 years. i am a shipping clerk with responsibility for imports and export freight transport. booking vessel, arrange the container to pick up the cargo, shipping document and customs arrangement etc…are all my joys. actually, i like my joy.


  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of crew

  I am honest,steady,considerate ,creative,hit off things with insight ,with passion and energy, have the respensebily, likes challenges ,and I can adjust myself to a new cultural environment ,with good team work .i likes study ,i think i can be put to use in further to develop the company's business.During these

  years working experise,i am well konw morals of being a man,how to communication with people.have good communication skills .i am active and strict.i have traveled a lot .well konw different contries's custom and different countries' people speaking english accents.i am well trained of the professional customer service,and with good smile .

  i hope i will bring your customer good feeling .during working as a crew ,i think i have enough customer service oriented ,kind and soft.good oral speaking skills ,i can handle diffrenent qusetions .i am happy to deal with promblems. I believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirit and responsibility. With these two things, I will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life


  面試前留給船東的第一印象往往是剛剛與船東見面時留下的。經驗告訴我們,很多船員儘管英文不錯,可是往往不知道如何和船東恰當地打招呼,從而影響了自己的面試成績。其實,最常見的打招呼辦法就很有效。進考官面試房間後,切勿長時間東張西望,而要在外派公司的引導人員的示意下,坐到指定的座位上。然後,通常是由外派公司的人員互相介紹你和麵試你的船東。在介紹完後,你要向考官主動打一下招呼,說一聲“你好!”或“How do you do?”

  及“I am John, very glad to meet you here”。這裡要提醒您的是,你落座後,一定要看看對面坐著幾位考官。在打招呼時,要和每個人打招呼,包括身體主動前傾,和每個人握握手,或有禮貌地和每個人點點頭。千萬不能忘了其中的一個或幾個。在打完招呼後,要回到指定的座位,端莊坐下。坐下後,通常船東考官會首先向你提出問題,要你回答。

