The animal kingdom is being held in a fierce contest......
They play tiger. It has been bitten by a wolf, leopard, wild boar, rhinos and other dozens of wild beasts, and they hurried to dodge......
"Ah, Tiger - the strong!" Animal people cheered. In the side of the lion, feel too embarrassed, then rushed past, find the tiger "showdown". The tiger did not watch, and not because of the strength, gradually defeated......
"Ah, the lion - the strong!" This animal, who turned to the lion cheered! A brown bear from afar listened, uncomfortable, he launched a fierce offensive towards the lion. Due to the lion and tiger just fight over a natural spent a lot of effort, quickly is brown bear bite badly beaten fled...
"Oh, bear it!" This is animal to bear bright open voice shout. At this time, a was born near seven step snake while bear get dizzy with success, ruthlessly bite it a mouth, pain and brown bear piercing howl with... After a while, the bears collapsed to the ground, still!
Animal who did not think at all at a loss about what to do, because things will get so serious......
The strong, often the most proud of, be defeated opponent.
A night of wind and rain, the orchard dropped many petals. Petals very angry, blame the wind said: "wind, wind, you from height ranks without definite, wandering around, I just want to long in the branches of the trees, where also don't want to go to. You shouldn't be blown me to the ground."
Wind said: "to tell the truth, although I scratch your face gently, you fall down, but I wonder, this is your own flowering is full..."
Petals said: "you don't shirk responsibility. The ancients said: "the sound of wind and rain, whispering. It is your flower blowing down, you can't deny!"
Wind said: "however, the ancients also said," the flower is not a hundred days of red. In addition, the fruit, flower is not a bad thing, I think is worth celebrating!"
Petals a listen to more angry: "what? I fell down and you're still happy? Do you celebrate? This is your pleasure......"
As they talked, the branches gently shake up, he should fully agree with the statement of wind.
The branch said: "well, is worth celebrating. I love to have flower embellishment, but I love fruit hung in the branches. If there is no falling petals, how can bear great fruit?"
Yes, sometimes, the local injury is often a prelude to greater overall harvest.
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