摘錄:比我聰明的人也許會爭辯說,濃情並不能持久。感情與身體就像火焰與蠟燭,火焰最熱烈時,也是蠟燭即將燃盡的時候。所以,要讓兩個人的愛長存,就必須犧牲其一或兩人來使愛永生,或者乾脆讓愛靜變為友伴之情, 或更糟的是,讓愛在世俗生活的重壓下慢慢枯萎。
I write to you as the evening shadows draw close, with the 1***tang of fog upon my breath, the very first of this season. I feel your arms about me as you left this morning for the airport as I wrap my 2***shawl a little closer. Joey woke up and you patted him back to sleep, and left me warm and tangled in the sheets, already waiting for you to be back.
It has always been like this, though I never let you know of the waiting. The first time I talked to you, on those typed pages, 3***under the cloak of names 4***artfully chosen, moments became minutes and minutes gathered to hours. When we could talk no more, I was yearning, restless, and 5***loath to admit it. I gave you my number, gave it to a complete unknown, and was scared of my lack of 6***trepidation because, amazingly, no logic I could 7***muster would dismiss my 8***conviction that you were for real.
As I talked to you for days that 9***spilled into weeks, I was 10***tremulous, unsure, as a spider thread launched into the breeze, and it was as if in you my soul had found an anchor. You would talk to me of this and that, of a 11***pompous colleague or of a cab driver gone 12***amok, of the 13***impending marriage in your neighborhood, of an art exhibition where a watercolor made you think of me. I would laugh: a building, are you serious? I am really not that fat, you know! You would move on to explain, but my mind would wander, I would 14***stroll in front of the mirror and examine myself: have the years of marriage marked time on my face, am I as slim as before Joey came?
1In those months of waiting, whether for the axe to fall or for happiness to strike I do not know, it was your voice and the 15***tug of Joey's fingers that pulled me through. When I see the two of you together, him on your shoulders with a 16***fistful of your hair, your 17***impish grins mirroring each other, I am happy I made the decision to be part of your life and to make you a part of ours.
我們聊著聊著,日子便悄然地由一天天逐漸變成了一週周。我心生顫抖,將信將疑,彷彿一根蛛絲飄蕩在微風中,我的靈魂奔向了你,找到了依靠。你會跟我聊這聊那,聊愛炫耀的同事,聊發瘋的計程車司機,聊你家附近即將舉行的婚禮,聊藝術展,你說在藝術展上看到一幅水彩畫讓你想起了我。我會笑著說,***我像水彩畫中的***建築,說真的嗎?你知道我其實沒有那麼胖啦!你會接著解釋,但我的思緒卻到了別處,我會站到鏡子前審視自己臉上是不是有了婚姻帶來的歲月痕跡?我是否還像喬伊到來之前那樣苗條呢? 我們聊著聊著,日子便悄然地由一天天逐漸變成了一週周。
You have become my spirit and my essence, my joy and temptation, the answer to 18***fervent prayers whispered with only half a hope of their fulfillment. I 19***revel in the freedom of the 20***enclosure of your arms, the way I am beautiful to you in the mornings without even running a comb through my hair. And through the times before I married you, what won me over was the way you somehow knew when to hold me close and when to let me be.
People wiser than I would care to argue with often say that extreme emotions cannot be sustained for long. They use the body as the flame does a candle, and the flame is never stronger than when the candle is at its shortest. So for a love of two people to survive, it must be 21***immortalized by the death of one or both, or simply get 22***lulled to companionship, or worse still, slowly 23***wilt under the weight of life's 24***mundane tomorrows.
比我聰明的人也許會爭辯說,濃情並不能持久。感情與身體就像火焰與蠟燭,火焰最熱烈時,也是蠟燭即將燃盡的時候。所以,要讓兩個人的愛長存,就必須犧牲其一或兩人來使愛永生,或者乾脆讓愛靜變為友伴之情, 或更糟的是,讓愛在世俗生活的重壓下慢慢枯萎。
But you were first a stranger, then a friend, afterwards a lover and now my husband. You are the man who left spaces in our togetherness as pauses in the 25***cadence of a song. I trust as well that each day I pass with you now, one of your arms about my shoulder and the other around Joey as you introduce me to your friends, will remain with me as I grow older.
但是,你起初是一個陌生人,然 後是一個朋友,後來成了我的戀人,而現在,你是我的丈夫。你是那個在我們團聚的時光之間留下空隙的男人,這種空隙就像一首抑揚頓挫的歌中的停頓。我也相信,即便歲月流逝,我現在與你度過的每一天,連同你一隻手搭著我的肩膀,另一隻搭著喬伊,把我介紹給你朋友的每一個時刻,都會與我同在。
As I write to you now, I know that when you are back next week I'll probably tell you how much I love you and this letter may just seem 26***superfluous. Please know that when you read it in the fifth, tenth or thirtieth year of our marriage, I love you then as I love you today when our marriage is a full year old, and we are miles apart on our first wedding anniversary.
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