Mother's love
Mother's love, is a pair of long chopsticks,
Give me a good dish;
My mother's love is a colored skin,
Give me a nice braid;
My mother's love is an open umbrella,
To protect me from the rain;
My mother's love is a wonderful story book,
Tell me a good story;
My mother's love is a thin pencil,
To teach me to write the rules;
Mother's love, the tears of care,
I was plucky, but my mother was crying in pain.
My mother's love is warm,
Let me fall asleep comfortably.
I love you, mom!
The annual "mother's day" arrived. I think I must surprise my mother. So I arranged my carefully planned content to my father.
I secretly bought four beautiful gifts for my mother with my pocket money. Yes: a lovely mother and a pig; A delicate purple bicycle with candles. A set of colored glass bottles; A Bill Gates story. I also made three chocolate cakes and four rice balls for my mother.
"Ding ding ding." A door bell passed into my ears, mother, mother came back! I asked dad to turn off the lights and lit a purple bicycle candle. I gently pushed open the door and reached up with their hands covering the mother's eyes, helped her into the chair, letting go of sang songs: "I wish you a happy mother's day! I wish you a happy mother's day..." Song. I saw a beautiful, happy smile on my mother's face in the light of the candlelight, and her eyes were shining with tears.
At that moment, mother excitedly put me in the arms of the arms and said, "my daughter is a good girl! My daughter is so good! I am a good girl!" I also smiled and said to my mother, "mom, happy mother's day! And clasped his mother's neck on his mother's face and kissed her.
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