Dear mayor,
I am a student from ...middle school. I'm writing a letter to report the heavey traffice before our school gate. I hope the offical can solve this problem since it affects our safety.
Moreover,every morning, the traffic jams near the school always make us late for school. Since our school is in the downtown, i consider it is necessary to improve the traffic condition of this area.
Dear the Mayor:
My name is Wei Mengdi.I’m a pupil.I want to say to you some things.
Luoyang is a beautiful and big city.We have got lots of new clothes and much nice food.We have got many pencils and many books. We have got good school and light classroom.We are very happy.
but ,in Luoyang,there are many children very poor.
Some children haven’t got enough food to eat. Some children haven’t got enough clothes to wear. Their clothes are old very much.
Some pupils haven’t got enough school. Some school haven’t got enough good classroom. Their classroom is very old.Some classroom haven’t got enough good tables and chairs. Their classroom are old.
Some children haven’t got enough money. Some children haven’t got parents and homes.They wored in the field.They can't go to school.
I hope we can help them.
We have got many old clothes, pens,pencils ,books and toys . These things we don’t need use. We can give them some things.
We can help by sending clothes,pens,pencils,books,toys or money.
Or we can give our time and help the children in our town.because these children really need our help very much.
Wish you happy everyday!
Wei Mengdi
Dear mayor,
I am writing to you to express my view on the water pollution problem.It is generally accepted that water pollution is a serious public hazard today.Most of Rivers around the world are polluted by garbage and dangerous chemicals.Ships contribute to the problem because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes.Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking.Taking all these factors into consideration,polluted water is a big problem to everyone,some policy are urgent to be given to solve the pollution issue,I sincerely hope you could consider what I worry about.
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