Where are you?
你 you
在 exist; be living
哪裡 where
我 I; my; me
你在哪裡 djwavmix; she is my old flame; where y ...
如今,你在哪裡 where are you now
無論我在哪裡 你在哪裡 我親愛的 anywhere i go, you go, my dear
不管你在哪裡 wherever you are,
弟兄你在哪裡 o my brother where art thou
你在哪裡出生 where were you born
你在哪裡買的 where’d you get it
無論你在哪裡 wherever you are
無論我在哪裡 all around the world
兄弟你在哪裡 o brother where art thou
在哪裡 aiza; where ad; where is it; wherein ...
1.剛才你在哪裡?我在樓上。Where were you a moment ago? I was up stairs.
2.出來,出來,我知道你在哪裡。Come out, come out wherever you are.
3.今天下午你在哪裡?Where were you this afternoon?
4.你在哪裡?我已經等你很久了。Where are you? I've been waiting here forever.
5.你在哪裡?我在臥室裡。Where are you? I'm in the bedroom.
6.你在哪裡可以找到巴黎對你自己的吸引力呢?Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself?
7.他襲擊你的時候你在哪裡?Where were you when he attacked you?
8.你在哪裡得到它的?Where do you have it?
9.不論你在哪裡,我會永遠等著你。No matter where you are, I'll waiting for you forever.
10.你在哪裡?還跟她在一起?Where are you? Still with her?
11.親愛的你在哪裡?Where are you, sweetheart?
12.兔子,你在哪裡和羅伯特去吃飯?Bunny, where are you and Robert going for dinner?
13.你在哪裡?你穿了什麼?天氣如何?現在描述你的生活。What are you wearing? What is the weather like? Now describe your life.
14.我將告訴肯恩你在哪裡。I'll tell Ken where you are.
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