Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, You know, since summer started I’ve been having trouble with bats in my loft***閣樓*** and attic at church. I’ve tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare them away.
Another said, Yes, me too. I’ve got hundreds living in my belfry***鐘樓*** and in the attic. I’ve been had the place fumigated***熏製*** , and they still won’t go away.
The third said, I baptized***洗禮*** all mine, and made them members of the church...haven’t seen one back since!
Long ago, there was a man traveling from the Kingdom of Wei to the Kingdom of Chu. He took a lot of traveling money with him, hired a good carriage, harnessed it to a strong steed, hired an exquisitely skilled driver, and then began his journey. The Kingdom of Chu was to the south of the Kingdom of Wei, but this man couldn’t tell the difference when the driver rode away towards the north.
On the road, a passing traveler asked where they were going. The man loudly answered, “We’re going to the Kindom of Chu!”. The traveler told him, “If you’re going to Chu, you should go south. You’re going north, it’s the wrong direction.” The man unconcernedly replied, “No problem! My horse is very fast.” Worried for him, the traveler pulled at the horse, and warned, “You’re going the wrong way. Even if your horse was even faster than it is, you still won’t reach the Kingdom of Chu!” Still not seeing the truth, the man said, “Don’t worry, I’ve brought a lot of money with me.” Making a concerted effort to dissuade him, the traveler said, “Though you may have a lot of money, you’re still going the wrong direction, and your money will be spent in vain.” Thinking of nothing other than getting to the Kingdom of Chu, the man impatiently said, “It’s not a problem, my driver is extremely skilled!” Out of options, the traveler let go of the carriage and watched helplessly as the aimless man from Wu rode away.
The man from Wu didn’t listen to anyone’s exhortations, relying on his fast horse, his money, his driver’s skill and many other favorable conditions, and obstinately continued to go in the opposite direction. Doing this, he could only continue to get further and further away from his goal, because his overall direction was wrong.
This story tells us, no matter what the situation is, we’d better first be sure we’re going the right way, and only then can we fully employ our other advantages, otherwise those advantages will just cause us pain
路上有人問他的車是要往哪兒去,他大聲回答說: “去楚國!”路人告訴他說: “到楚國去應往南方走,你這是在往北走,方向不對。那人滿不在乎地說:”沒關係,我的馬快著呢!” 路人替他著急,拉住他的馬,阻止他說, “方向錯了,你的馬再快,也到不了楚國呀!” 那人依然毫不醒悟地說: “不要緊,我帶的路費多著呢!” 路人極力勸阻他說:“雖說你路費多,可是你走的不是那個方向,你路費多也只能白花呀!” 那個一心只想著要到楚國去的人有些不耐煩地說: “這有什麼難的,我的車伕趕車的本領高著呢!” 路人無奈,只好鬆開了拉住車把子的手,眼睜睜看著那個盲目上路的魏人走了。
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