1. WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW.. 'WASITACARORACATISAW'.. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence.
“WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW”***我看到的是一輛車還是一隻貓***這是英語中唯一一句反過來念還是一樣的句子。
2. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter.
3. "Goodbye" came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you."
英語單詞“Goodbye”來自於“God bye”,原意是“上帝與你同在”。
4. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet!
“The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.”***這隻敏捷的棕色狐狸跳過了一隻懶狗***這句話用到了字母表中的所有字母!
5. 'Go', is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
6. The onion is named after the Latin word 'unio' meaning large pearl.
7. The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
片語“rule of thumb”***經驗法則***,是從一條古老的英國法律中來的,即:不能用超過大拇指粗細的東西打老婆。
8. The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'.
單詞“tips”***小費***實際上是“To Insure Prompt Service”***保障快捷的服務***的首字母縮寫!
9. The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses!
10. More people in China speak English than in the United States.
11. The word "listen" contains the same letters as "silent."
12. Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering.
13. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!
14. Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards.
15. The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and 'Q' is the least used!
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