I got are lucky , I lost may be the life.你會喜歡在空間發表一些英文的空間說說嗎?今天小編在這裡整理了一些,看看有沒有你喜歡的吧。
1.Now silence a became the tacit understanding如今的沉默已變成了默契.
2.ant to put you possess oneself. Calculate not too selfish.想把你佔為己有。算不算太自私
3.Time heals almost everything. Give time time時間幾乎會癒合所有事情。請給時間一點時間。
4.Strong woman is will cry, but never admit defeat堅強的女人是會哭,但絕不會認輸.
5.Einfache, die ich über Betreuung簡簡單單,一句我在乎。
6.This is I left countless journey countless sad, sad.這是我走了無數次的旅途,難過了無數次的難過。
7.Would rather go low to the dust, in order to bloom.情願低到塵埃裡去,是為了能開出花來。
8.Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me.謝謝你,那麼忙,還親自來傷害我。
9.In a city, the city lived in pain.心中有座城,城裡住著疼。
10.If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic如果一切都是戲。我們何必演的那麼逼真。
11.You can't expect him to be perfect..nobody is.別期待他是完美的。。沒人是完美的。
12.Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.生活從未變得輕鬆,是你在一點一點變得堅強。
13.I’m counting the days till I see you again.每天我這樣數著日子,直到我們再次相見。
14.Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime.幸福,就是找一個溫暖的人過一輩子。
15.Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart說好了不動情,我卻動了心
1.Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.只因那時年少,總把未來想的太好。
2.Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.有本事任性的人,也會有本事堅強。
3.Those have most power to hurt us, that we love.我們所愛的人,卻最具有傷害我們的力量。
4.You can fake a smile, but you can't fake your feelings.你可以強顏歡笑,但你無法欺騙自己
5.Love is you love me, I love him, he loved her.愛情就是你愛我,我愛他,他愛她。
6.Before I knew everything I was a foolish to you在我明白所以事之前,對於你我只是一個傻子
7.Because of you . I was changed. I tried. I sad too.因為有你,我改變過,我嘗試過,我哭過
8.I'm fine, fit forget.我很好,放不下也忘不掉。
9.Old friends goodbye stranger.一見如故再見陌路。
10.I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followers.我荒蕪了半個世紀也沒有等到我的信徒。
11.Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good.哭過了就好了,你都會走的,傷也會好的。
12.Three years of pain, The Seven Year Itch.三年之痛,七年之癢。
13.I do not say you do not know if this is the distance.我不說 你不懂 這便是距離。
14.The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.故事若不曲折怎麼能教人成長.
15.Last time I married a swaying shadow我過去的光陰嫁給了一個晃動的影子
1.Don't want to swim and do not want to carry out an order.不想隨波逐流 又不想銜命獨行
2.I have no trouble, just a sense of security is too weak.我沒鬧,只是安全感太薄弱。
3.Maybe the best way is to survive, pay no heed to.也許、漫不經心是生存的最好方
4.Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.生活從未變得輕鬆,是你在一點一點變得堅強。
5.I’m counting the days till I see you again.每天我這樣數著日子,直到我們再次相見。
6.Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime.幸福,就是找一個溫暖的人過一輩子。
7.what a loveiy world it well be with you away.沒有了你.這個世界多麼寂寞。
8.Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart說好了不動情,我卻動了心
9.Love finally became a passer-by, the stranger.愛到最後成了路人甲,陌路天涯。
10.Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.是誰賜我們遇見 卻不一併贈我們永遠。
11.Has been lost again, better than never wounding more.得到了再失去,比從來就沒有得到更傷人。
12.Some habits, however, was to change.有些習慣,無論如何都改不了。
13.What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.看不見你自己,你所看見的只是你的影子。
14.Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.有本事任性的人,也會有本事堅強。
15.When likes arriving in the earth, has blown off the sad memory.當愛重新降臨在大地,吹散了悲傷的記憶
16.To dear me,don't think about the one who is not supposed to be.親愛的自己,不要想那些不該想的人.
17.I like to present myself. I miss out past!我喜歡現在的自己,我懷念過去的我們!
18.With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.擁有你美麗的愛情,太陽就永遠明媚。
19.I will learn to give you because I love you .我會學著放棄你,是因為我太愛你.
20.Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。
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