Join the chess club
1 他想參加象棋俱樂部。
He wants to join the chess club.
2 參加象棋俱樂部不僅提高了我的象棋水平而且讓我見識了更多人。
My chess skills are improving rapidly, but more importantly I can now talk to more people whom I consider interesting enough to go on my blog.
3 我四年都參加了象棋俱樂部。
Yes, I was in the computer club for four years.
4 湯姆想參加國際象棋俱樂部,他會下國際象棋。
Tom wants to join the chess club and he can play chess.
5 好吧,應該這麼說:有一天參加完象棋俱樂部,我被扔進了垃圾桶。
Let me rephrase that: One day after chess club, I got stuffed into a trash can.
6 “我參加了一個象棋俱樂部,輸給了一個8歲的女孩,”Sokol告訴發現新聞。
"I joined a chess club and lost to an eight-year girl," Sokol told Discovery News.
7 有天資的孩子如果參加一個國際象棋俱樂部,一支數學或辯論代表隊,抑或其它使他們的才智有用武之地的豐富所學活動,可能獲得他們所需要的學習動力。
Gifted kids might get the stimulation they require by, say, joining a chess club, a math or debate team, or another enrichment activity that engages their intellect.
8 在初中,學生們開始參加課外活動,比如編寫學校當年的大事記、參加運動隊、社工團體、國際象棋俱樂部、外語俱樂部、以及表演隊等等。
In middle school, students begin to get involved in extra-curricular activities outside of school, such as yearbook, sports teams, community service clubs, chess club, foreign language clubs, theater, etc.
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