[醫] elementary school
網 絡elementary school;an elementary school;primary schools;SMALL SCHOOL
School children are on vacation.
This elementary school is affiliated to a university.
Why does a person can have such perceiver?
My life has changed a lot since primary school.
My little girl is at primary school.
Elementary education is compulsory in almost every country in the world.
What do children learn in elementary school?
My son is studying at an elementary school.
Another way would be to give out gold stars instead.
1. But it is going to be a tiring five years for me. 我可以從一個小學校開始,但這五年對我來說將是很累的.
2. I enrolled in a primary school in the city in the county. 我也進了縣城裡的一個小學校.
3. Boys and girls are studying at local elementary school. 男孩女孩們都在當地的小學校學習.
4. Jenny is at the little red school . Does Danny see it? No! 詹妮正指向那所紅色的小學校, 丹尼看見它了 嗎 ?沒有!
5. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school. 在小學校裡,萬聖節是每年十月份開始慶祝的.
6. Many large secondary schools using this product, the effect significantly. 國內許多大、中、小學校使用本企業產品, 效果顯著.
7. The school is calculated for crippled pupils. 這所學校是為殘疾小學校的教育而開辦的.
8. For many years, I have helped both at the local hospital and at an elementaryschool. 很多年來, 我已經幫助了當地的醫院和當地的小學校.
9. I can smell it from the grounds of the local p rimary school, 100 m away. 在距此百米遠的當地小學校園內也能聞到.
10. They made full use of this piece of land and built a school on it. 他們可釘可鉚地用這塊地蓋了個小學校.
11. Students of the French School will present a selection of paintings to besold. 展覽將展示並出售北京一所法國小學校學生的繪畫.
12. They made full use of this piece of and built a school on it. 他們胼手胝足用這塊地蓋了個小學校.
13. After we finished dinner at Chen's little school, the heat of the day hadalready diminished. 我們在陳的小學校裡吃了晚飯.熱氣已經退了.
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