


  Summer came, it came like a happy note to us, so that we usually in school that intense learning atmosphere disappeared, become happy and full.

  I participated in a summer vacation activities, this activity is: summer happy small newsboy; through this event, let me appreciate the hardships of money and not easy ah!

  I bought the first day of the newspaper: "I got up early bed, with my fastest speed to sort out the individual things, I was happy out of the door, the Tao Ya Ni also called on, we with a Full of joy to the West to take the newspaper, and all the way we are very happy when we opened the newspaper, began to set the newspaper, and we seriously put a piece of colorful newspaper set together, we After the newspaper set, and found that there are two or three advertising on the floor, I and Tao Ya Ni immediately anxious up, we have just set the newspaper has been opened, and each carefully turned over again, the results of a There are no more and no less, but there is a person less one or two newspapers, which can we can be anxious, and I said: "or else will be sold later ... ..." We are talking about.

  After a while, we were finally the same, but it was seven o'clock, we hurried out the door, we compete for business approaching nine when we finally sold the newspaper.

  We count the way to earn their own money, and my heart very happy, because this is their first time to make money, although very hard, hot covered with sweat, but we are still very happy and happy. Because only their own to understand that their earn money really good!


  Roll red dust, carrying the memory of the yoke, forever dusty that sad love. In the last one aftertaste, was quietly blowing the wind, but also blowing the past miss. Finally, disappeared in the vast sea, leaving the world's regret and accusations ... ...

  A chance encounter, opened the "Dream of Red Mansions", so I met her - Lin Daiyu. She, let me deeply shocked, Bao Dai unprecedented love, spread through the ages, was the world improper praise. After that, who has this qualification? Since then, the shadow of Daiyu sister on the waves in my heart, back and forth, vaguely seem to hear her delicate breathing, my mind is her sad face, With a haggard is extremely charming. She tears, because only the indulgence of crying after more stretch, smile will be more bloom. Close your eyes as if to see his tenderness like water eyes, flashing little tears, people addicted to them, for the emotional, unable to extricate themselves.

  Often listen to the evaluation of Daiyu "little temper" or even "narrow heart", but I do not think so! Because in this back, just because she was too concerned about the gem, because love deep, love cut, so can not help but mind. I always feel that precious jade to Daiyu too little time, Daiyu's heart is too delicate, but not understand the gem. In her a moment of depression, the mood is like a lost child without a square inch, gem should not be greeted her will be rejected, fiercely, fierce, but it is unintentional, not do not accept, just because too Uncomfortable, so she only use poetry to vent the inner brewing has long been the backlog of emotions.

  Poetry is her beautiful soul, is her spiritual sustenance. Whenever she read her poems, there are always vibrant feeling, every word, every word is like a sharp sharp knife, deeply into the reader's heart, people have to choking illusion, Invisible among those who grabbed his throat, can not break the sad, can only reluctantly put down the book, so that they slowly wake up. Remember her "funeral words": "according to the funeral people who laugh at the funeral, he was buried in the flower who know who? See the spring flowers fall gradually, is the roots of old age. Two do not know ". After reading like a million arrows through the heart, liver and intussine like bursts of pain.

  Her tears, like a trickle like gurgling flow, gathered into a spring, to clarify her tragedy. She cried, because she was so wronged that she was miserable and worthy of mercy, and she and the love of gem in that society was not allowed. She was too infatuated with the gem, she was infinite sad life, but dying before she smiled and shouted "gem, gem ... ..." Then she never left the world ... ...

  Although her story is over, but left me thousands of thoughts, close the book you want to seal the inner dust, but a closed eyes, that section should be imprisoned as the same as dust in the air flying, Rotate, dance


  Got up early this morning, yawned in the mirror of me. Hey, or so helpless. Like a lazy cat. Recently more annoying, the recent mood is very low. Since the release of the fake, I like the marathon runners ran to the end, all of a sudden "scattered and God also scattered." Stay up late at night, bed in the morning. As for the homework Well, has long been "into the limbo", the calculation of the school soon after a burst of cold to catch up again Internet, basketball, television and martial arts novels occupy my whole life. See the Korean hostages crisis, I can not wait to incarnate special forces; weather changing, that cicadas loudly complain, hear I also want to scream loudly; this air conditioning open cold winter, do not open sweat, tasteless! Really do not know when and how to music.

  In the bookstore reading summer, inadvertently saw Wang Lee Hom's "change their own". My heart chuckle: fate ah, really no clever not a book. In the wallet protest to buy it, go home is really a symptomatic medicine. Impassioned tunes, sing the inspiring lyrics made me suddenly refreshing. "New generation of friends we, good to refuel." "To have been hard work, never give up!" Yes ah, as a new generation of high school students, I have no reason to let themselves free and loose, I "Teng" jumped up from the sofa, the heart of a flat pull off the TV power, but also put the basketball gas, even in my bedside martial arts novels I was thrown into the bed under the carton. Spent a lot of effort at home rummaging through the cabinet to pull out the bag, the things fell to the brain fell on the desk. Only to find my homework is not as good as the imagination, not only writing more, and invisible operations are also many. I am anxious, the pen began to pen and faint book.

  After calm down, I earnestly listened to the study plan and the schedule. Sunrise and no longer before the twilight. Homework is also done in the plan handy, efficiency greatly increased, the pace is by leaps and bounds. Just a week, mathematics, English, these two big job on the disarmed. I take the chase, seeing physical and language is also precarious. Seemingly powerful operations Corps in front of my change vulnerable, which gave me a great sense of accomplishment and confidence. But also inspired me in the future study of more hard work, make a difference, and finally in the exam in the test results!

  Friends, are you still sighing for the boring summer vacation? List a plan to change it!