短語to flip out的意思是受到震驚而失控暴怒。
When Kate heard that she hadn't got a place at her first choice of university she really flipped out and started shouting and screaming.
The flight was cancelled and lots of passengers started flipping out at the airline staff.
The flip side的意思是“事物的反面”,特別用來指物體或論點的負面。
The Olympics is a great event; on the flip side it's very expensive to host.
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the earliest inventors to work on the concept of an artificial flipper to help swimmers. The American inventor Benjamin Franklin also made an early design from wood.
To flock to常用來形容人們大批的湧進某處。
Thousands of people flocked to the shopping centre when the summer sale started.
Youngsters flock to cinemas to watch the latest blockbuster action movies.
Birds of a feather flock together的意思是 “物以類聚,人以群分”。
Mark's friends are all very wealthy, just like he is. Birds of a feather flock together.
Starlings fly in their millions and offer spectacular displays during winter. But there are not as many around nowadays. Once a common sight in both urban and rural areas of Britain, starling numbers have dropped by a staggering 92% in woodlands.
短語get a kick out of可以用來形容因做某事給某人帶來興奮、快樂感。
I'm not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it!
She got such a kick from the dance class that she's thinking of taking it up full time.
He didn't think he would like Barcelona, but he got a real kick out of the place.
如果想戒掉什麼壞習慣那麼就可以說to kick a habit。
I'm giving up smoking, it's time to kick the habit.
Biting your fingernails is disgusting! You should really kick the habit!
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art form which combines elements of dance, music, acrobatics and fighting. It often forms a part of the Carnival of Brazil, an annual festival held forty six days before Easter. The lively celebrations attract millions of visitors each year.
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