The hare and the tortoise
The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."
The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."
The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.
The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.
寓意: 驕兵必敗;只有持之以恆,才能實現目標
The Rabbit And The Turtle
One day, a turtle is climbing. A rabbit sees the turtle. It asks the turtle: “Hi, turtle. What are you doing?” “I’m running.” The turtle says. “Haha, you are running? How slowly! Let’s have a race. Let’s see who runs fast.” The rabbit laughs at the turtle. “OK.i believe i will beat you” The turtle says.
??The next day is a sunny day. The turtle and the rabbit are ready for a game. Many animals are watching. “Three ! Two! One! Start!” monkey says. The rabbit and the turtle runs to the end. The rabbit runs very fast. The turtle is climbing with aslow but steady pace to the goal. It’s behind the rabbit. The rabbit runs to a tree. It sees the turtle is behind. It thinks: “The turtle is very slow. I can sleep under the tree.” So the rabbit was found a comfortable place,lie down and fell fast alseep.
??The turtle climbs to the tree. It sees the rabbit is dleeping and doesn’t stop. In the end it gets to the end and is very happy! Now the rabbit wakes up. It thinks the turtle is still behind. The rabbit runs to the end. when ihe rabbit reached the end.It sees the turtle there. “Haha, I win!” the turtle says. The rabbit is very sad. It is crying.
??This story tells us: we can’t be pride.
One day a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly along and began to laugh and mock him.The hare challenged the tortoise to a race and the tortoise accepted.They agreed on a route and started off the race.The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time.Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise,he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race.He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep.The tortoise,plodding on,overtook him and finished the race.The hare woke up and realized that he had lost the race.
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