


  I have a beautiful room. Although my room is very small, I love it very much. Look, there is a bed near the window. I like sunshine so my bed is set near the window. In front of the bed, there is a desk on which is several series of books. What’s more, I have plastered my bedroom wall with photos of my family. The light in my bedroom is light pink because I like this color.


  Do you like my bedroom? If you like, come here and have a look!



  Nowadays,traveling is becoming a more and more important part of our life.However,some travelers have bad behaviors and habits while visiting some places of interest.Some throw litters,paint on the walls,and spit on the ground everywhere.***亂扔雜物,隨地吐痰***Some pick flowers,destroy trees and hurt animals.***摘花毀樹,傷害動物***What's worse,some smoke in the public.What a shame!***隨處抽菸,亂塗亂畫***

  Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Rubbish is always put into dustbins.***愛惜環境***We are friendly to animals.***愛護植物,關愛動物***Besides,we remember to obey the public rules and the places of interest are well kept.***自覺守規,保護名勝***All these changes make people around here happy.

  In my opinion,as a student,we should know it's our duty to protect the environment.In order to make the world beautiful,let's behave well and try our best to help fight against bad behaviors.***感受***


  傳媒的作用 The Function of Mass Media

  Mass media are very important tools of communication,through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and apace.


  Mass media function in various ways. Below are listed the most commonly seen.


  First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.


  Second, mass media persuade us mostly through advertisements. As we can see, newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colourful, persuasive advertisements which tempt us to buy their products.


  Third, mass media give us entertainment. Television and radio broadcasting provide us with a big variety of programmes every day. Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily amusement.


  In a word, mass media will be all the more important in the future and their function will enormously expand.Limited by apace, only a few examples are mentioned here.
