地震的高一英語作文:地震 Earthquake
Earthquake is one of the most severe natural disasters. It's shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky ourter shell. Its results can be very horrible. The Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 and Japan Earthquake in 2011 are the most severe earthquakes in recent years, causing huge casualties and property losses. But earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Many deaths and injuries in earthquaking result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings.
地震的高一英語作文:地震 Earthquake
May 12th, 2008. That’s the most mournful day for our Chinese that will never be forgotten, because a horrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, which caused tens of thousands of children’s death.
On hearing the news, I felt so sorrowful. “Why was the god so cruel to them?” I asked. They were still at the entrance of the life. They seemed like little eagles that were willing to open their wings and hover in the sky. Maybe they would have their brilliant future. What a great loss to our nation! I had my deepest sympathy on the people in the disastrous area. So I donated some money and clothes to them. And I also prayed for the dead people sincerely. I eagerly hope that there would be no earthquakes in the future, so that we could live a more peaceful life.
地震的高一英語作文:地震襲擊 Earthquake Attacked
Yesterday afternoon, when I was sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher. Suddenly, the screen seemed moving and it started to shake. My teacher stopped his class and then he asked us to calm down. He let the students who were close to the door left first, and then the rest of us ran out of the classroom one by one. After a while, everything seemed to be normal, the teacher asked us to go back to the classroom. Later I learned that there indeed came the earthquake. I admired our teacher so much, in the important moment, he did not run away, but considered us in the first place. He is a good teacher.
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