Dear Sir/Madam:
公司英文名稱expresses its compliments to the visa officer of Consulate General of the KINGDOM OF NORWAY, and has the honor to inform you that Mr. ****** and Mr. ******, will visit Kvinesdal, NORWAY to participate IMnI's 2nd Safety Workshop open on May 2-3, 2011. Our company shall look after all the expenses, including international and local transportation, accommodation including lodging and food, medical care, health insurance and all other
expenses. The people mentioned above will go back China after the conference. Please kindly find the name list below:
Full Name Passport no. Post
To: Embassy of UK in Beijing
Mr. Li Huang Yin, Date of 1964 , Passport No.G35706109. He is the General manager in our company. He works in our company from 18 Sep 1996 .He goes to UK for travel during 19 April and 22 April . . All costs will be done by himself .His salary is 280000 RMB. We hereby guarantee that he will be back to China on time.
Company: Co,ltd
Address: Beijing City.
Date: 21Mar 2011
XXX,身份證號:XXX,為XXX***單位名稱***員工。自XX年幾月至今一直在我單位任某職。我單位在XX時間段準他休假,批准他到美國旅遊,不會滯留不歸。 請予協助辦理其簽證事宜。
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