1、each follows his own bent.
2、early birds catch worms.
3、east, west ,home is the best.
4、every man has his hobby-hose.
5、every man has his liking.
6、every one has his taste.
7、every rose has its thorn.
8、everyone is equal.
9、forgetting history means betrayal.
10、good things stay indoors while bad things will go far away.
1. Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。
2. Nothing is impossible to willing mind ***or heart***. 有志者事竟成。
3. Nothing is impossible ***or difficult*** to the man who will try. 天下無難事,只怕不努力。
4. Nothing is really beautiful but truth. 只有真理才是真美。
5. Nothing is stolen without hands. 無風不起浪。
6. Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. 除非消滅跳蚤,做事不必急躁。
7. Nothing seek, nothing find. 無所求,則無所獲。
8. Nothing so bad, as not to be good for something. 塞翁失馬,安知非福。
9. Nothing so necessary for travellers as languages. 旅行者最需要的是幾種語言。
10. Nothing succeeds like success. 一事成功,事事順利。
11. Nothing to be got without pains but poverty. 只有貧困可以不勞而獲得。
12. Nothing venture, nothing win ***or have or gain***. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
13. Nothing will come of nothing. 無風不起浪。
14. No time like the present. 只爭朝夕。
15. Not let the grass grow under one''s feet. 不失時機。
16. Novelty is the great parent of pleasure. 新奇生樂趣。
17. No vice goes alone. 壞事不單行。
18. No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前沒有通不過的路。
19. No wisdom like silence. 智者寡言。
20. Now or never. 機不可失,失不再來。
1. No practice, no gain in one''s wit. 吃一塹,長一智。
2. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favours call; she come unlooked for, if she comes at all. 我不輕蔑名譽,也不需要她的青睞;如果她竟來的話,也是不求而自來的。
3. No road is long with good company. 途有好伴,不覺路遠。
4. No root, no fruit. 沒有根,就沒有果。
5. No rose without a thorn. 玫瑰都有刺。
6. No rule without an exception. 沒有一條規則沒有例外。
7. No safe wading in an unknown water. 未知水深淺,涉水有危險。
8. No smoke without some fire. 無風不起浪。
9. No song, no supper. 不勞無獲。
10. No sooner said than done. 言而必行。
11. No sunshine but bath some shadow. 有明必有暗。
12. No sweat, no sweet. 不勞則無獲。
13. No sweet without some sweat. 不勞則無獲。
14. Nothing brave, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
15. Nothing comes amiss to a hungry man. 飢不擇食。
16. Nothing comes from ***or of*** nothing. 無風不起浪。
17. Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it. 無風不起浪。
18. Nothing comes wrong to a hungry man. 飢不擇食。
19. Nothing crave, nothing have. 有求才有應。
Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny. 一分錢,一分貨。
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