1 Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast?
A: Lunch and supper.
2 Q: Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window?
A: He wanted to see the waterfall.
3 Q: Why did the man throw the butter out the window?
A: He wanted to see the butterfly.
4 Q: Why did the man put the clock in the safe?
A: He wanted to save time.
5 Q: What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?
A: A clock.
6 Q: What has a neck, but no head?
A: A bottle.
7 Q: Where is the ocean the deepest?
A: On the bottom.
8 Q: Why did the man throw his watch out of the window?
A: He wanted to see time fly.
9 Q: What State in the United States is High in the middle and round at the ends?
A: Ohio.
10 Q: "There were some twins. One was twenty, the other was twenty 2. One married the other. How can be this ?"
A: "One was twenty, the other twenty too. One was a priest so he married the other"
PS: These sentences must be asked orally .Pronunciation is important. ***too = 2***
1. What question can you never answer “yes”。
【謎底:Are you asleep】
2. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
3. What do you know about the kings of France?
【謎底:They are all dead】
4. What rises in the morning and waves all day?
【謎底:A flag】
5. I am the tallest animal in the world.What am I?
【謎底:a giraffe】
6. What word can you make shorter by adding to it?
7. How many great men have been born in London?
【謎底:None. Only babies.】
8. Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?
【謎底:Because he's dead.】
9. What's the hardest thing about learning skating?
【謎底:The ice】
10. What person does every man take his hat off to?
【謎底:A barber】
1.Will it rain for several days continuously
2.Who can raise things without lifting them
3.What did the king cloud say to the rest of the
4.Who is married to the First Lady
1.Never, because there're nights in between.
3."I'm the one who should rain here."
1.day n.一天;一個白晝
continuously/k+n>tinju+sli/ adv.連續不斷地
3. rain v.下雨,音似reign/rein/v.統治
4.the First Lady第一夫人,總統夫人
the first lady第一位女士,指夏娃
[What are the little white things that bite?]
提示:bite的基本意思是“咬”。牙齒能“咬”,這是顯而易見的。但是,謎面“What are the little white things that bite?”給人的第一印象是“咬人的小東西是什麼”。
[What can have hundreds of limbs but can't walk?]