1.擁有你美麗的愛情,太陽就永遠明媚。With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.
2.愛情的熾熱勝過千萬團的火。Love warms more than a thousand fires.
3.不求情意綿綿,但求天長地久。No lingering sentiments, but enduring as the universe.
4.從來就是別離時,才知愛有多深。It's time to leave, to know how deep love is.
5.不必承諾永遠,只要愛我一天又一天。Don't promise forever, just love me day by day.
6.並非地球引力使人墜入愛河。It's not gravity that makes people fall in love.
7.我也喜歡你啊,就想你喜歡我一樣。I also like you, like you like me.
8.你的淚水,對我已經毫無意。Your tears, I have no intention of.
9.對你最初的印象,久久難以忘懷。First impression of you is most lasting.
10.在回憶裡繼續夢幻不如在地獄裡等待天堂。Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.
11.身無綵鳳雙飛翼,心有靈犀一點通。Cai Feng Shuangfei body without wings, heart to heart.
12.總有那麼一首歌,讓你陷入深深的回憶。There's always that one song that brings back old memories.
13.此情可待成追憶,只是當時已惘然。Remembrance into, but was already frustrated.
14.愛是長在我們心裡的藤蔓。Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
15.你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
16.兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮暮!Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening!
17.時間是最好的醫生,也是最差的美容師。Time is the best doctor, but a poor beautician.
18.你說謊。在我面前沉默不語。You lie。 Silence in front of me.
19.若無其事,原來是最狠的報復。If nothing had happened, the original is the most ruthless revenge.
20.如果只是遇見,不能停留,不如不遇見。If you just met, can not stay, not to meet.
21.我喜歡星星,而你就跟星星般美麗。I like the stars, and you are as beautiful as the stars.
22.內心只要有愛在燃燒,就不然有快樂。As long as there is love in the heart, there will be happiness.
23.愛情常是喜劇,偶爾是悲劇。Love is a comedy, but a tragedy.
24.永遠不是一種距離,而是一種決定。Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
25.說好了不動情,我卻動了心。Said not to be emotional, but I move the heart.
26.無論你走到哪裡,我都會在你身後。Wherever you go, I'll be right behind you.
27.時間不是讓人忘了痛,而是讓人習慣了痛。Time is not to let people forget the pain, but let people get used to pain.
28.如果我足夠好,我一定不會放你走。If I'm good enough, I'll never let you go.
29.我是一粒棋子,過了河,沒路可回了。I am a pawn, crossed the river, no way back.
30.新的愛情來,舊的愛情去。經典句子New love comes, old love goes.
31.沒有誰對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。No one who is sorry, only who do not know how to cherish.
32.距離使兩顆心靠得更近。Distance makes the two hearts grow closer.
33.與其傷心回憶,不如微笑遺忘。And its sad memories, as smile forget.
34.當我需要動力時你鼓勵我。Encourage me when I need motivation.
35.有時起初的隱忍可以避免一路的疼痛。Sometimes the first way can avoid the pain tolerance.
36.愛情的話語全在雙眼之中。Love is all in the eyes.
37.一個不欣賞自己的人,是難以快樂的。A person who does not appreciate himself is hard to be happy.
38.治療愛的創傷唯有加倍地去愛。There is no remedy for love but to love more.
39.用一生堅守自己許下的承諾,這就是愛。With a lifetime to stick to their promise, this is love.
40.蒼白無力的述說,只是在狡辯而已。Feeble story, just making excuses.
41.悲傷已經夠難受了,更何況是隱藏悲傷。Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness.
42.每一個沐浴在愛河中的人都是詩人。At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
43.愛情,要麼讓人成熟,要麼讓人墮落。Love makes man grow up or sink down.
44.來日方長、終究長不到白髮蒼蒼。The coming days would be long. after all do not grow, grey-haired.
45.你相信緣分嗎?那是一種神祕又美麗的牽繫。至於我們之間我只想告訴你我很珍惜。"Do you believe in fate? It is led by a mysterious and beautiful lines. As between us, I just wanted to tell you that I cherish."
46.你的話已經鎖在我的記憶裡了那鑰匙你就替我保管一輩子吧Your words have been locked in my memory of that for me the key you keep it forever
47.不是因為孤單才想你而是因為想你才孤單。不是因為帥氣才追你而是因為追你變得更帥氣。不是因為惦記才聯絡而是因為我的心中寫滿了惦記!Not because it wanted to be alone but because you think you just lonely. Not only because of the handsome chase chase you but because you become more handsome. Not because it misses contact but because my heart filled with caring!
48.只因你太美好令我無法坦白說出我愛你Because you're too good to be honest I can not say I love you
49.冰雪冷卻不了我對你的熱愛颱風吹散不走我對你的思念喧譁淹沒不了我的對你的心聲黑暗掩蓋不了我對你的深情。I love snow and ice can not cool down your blown typhoon does not take me for your thoughts flooded my mind not clamor for your darkness can not hide my feelings for you.
50.看到照片的時候我想到一句話以前很流行:愛的背面不是恨而是冷漠。你真的讓我華麗麗的體會了一把!See the photos when I think of the previous sentence is very popular: on the back of love is not hate but indifference. You really made me appreciate the gorgeous one!
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