1.We often call him by his nickname 我們經常叫他的綽號。
2.Will you be free tomorrow evening? 你明晚有空嗎?
3.Would you like to leave a message? 你要留話嗎?
4.You can never turn the clock back 時光不能倒流。
5.You may as well tell me the truth 你還是把事實告訴我為好。
6.Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母還在麼?
7.Can you recognize that woman,Mary? 你能認出那個女人是誰了嗎,瑪麗?
8.Do you have any suggestions for me? 你對我有什麼建議麼?
9.He is tough,but I am even tougher 他是一個硬漢子,不過我要比他更硬。
10.He made his way through the forest 他設法穿過了森林。
11.He suggests you leave here at once 他建議你立刻離開這兒。
12.He was married to a friend of mine 他和我的一個朋友結了婚。
13.He will blame you for carelessness 他會責備你的粗心大意。
14.I can give you a number of excuses 我可以給你說出很多韻理由。
15.I don't doubt that he will help me 我不懷疑他會援助我。
16.I hope you enjoy your stay with us 希望您在這兒過的愉快。
17.I'd like to-repair our differences 我願意消除一下我們之間的分歧。
18.It's nothing to be surprised about 這事不值得大驚小怪。
19.It's rude to stare at other people 盯著別人看是不禮貌的。
20.Bob has always had a crush on Lucy 鮑伯一直在愛著露茜。
21.Let's take a short break for lunch 讓我們休息一會兒,去吃午飯。
22.Linda speaks as if she were a boss 琳達說話總好象她是老闆。
23.She became more and more beautiful 她變得越來越漂亮了。
24.Suppose it rains,what shall we do? 萬一下雨,我們該怎麼辦?
25.The book is protected by copyright 該書受版權保護。
26.The ice is hard enough to skate on 冰已經厚得可以劃冰了。
27.The price includes postage charges 價格包括郵資在內。
28.This is a little something for you 這是我給你們的一點心意。
29.What he likes best is making jokes 他最喜歡開玩笑。
30.Who but Jack would do such a thing? 除了傑克誰會做這種事呢?
31.You should have a mind of your own 你必須有自己的主見。
32.You will soon get used to the work 你很快就會習慣於這項工作的。
33.Columbus discovered America in l 哥倫布於年發現了美洲。
34.God helps those who hep themselves 上帝幫助那些自己幫自己的人。
35.He has a nice sum of money put away 他存了一大筆錢。
36.He is heavily insured against death 他給自己投了鉅額的人身保險。
37.He used to learn everything by rote 他過去總是死記硬背。
38.He's a terrible man when he's angry 他生氣的時候很可怕。
39.I am on my way to the grocery store 我正在去雜貨店的路上。
40.I am sick of always waiting for you! 你,老讓我等你,真是煩透了。
41.I appreciate John's helping in time 我感謝約翰的及時幫助。
42.I bought it the day it was released 它發行的當天我就買了。
43.I doubted whether the story is true 我懷疑那故事是不是真的。
44.I learnt that I had passed the test 我獲悉我測驗及格了。
45.I will seek from my doctor's advice 我將請教醫生的意見。
46.Ice cream is popular among children 冰淇淋深受孩子們的歡迎。
47.I'd like to get this film developed 我要衝洗這卷膠捲。
48.In a word,I am tired of everything 總之,我對一切都很厭倦。
49.Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我們自己做這件事,可以嗎?
50.May I know the quantity you require? 請問你們需要多少數量的貨物?