Dark, soft hair; Pai tse face sparkly length of a pair of big eyes, weeping, always with pure eyes looking at you. Under the high bridge of the nose, a small mouth have kissed the blarney stone. Smile, lips slightly higher, ruddy cheeks two shallow dimples.
Remember once, I told mom, she told me the secret of her know. She told me can't tell any one, so she was very angry I decided not to. Was like this for a week. One afternoon, I ask her to book city friendship. Along the way, we two were a pair of heavy. ***to the friendship, I like her apology, hope to get her forgiveness. She was silent for a while then suddenly jumped up and said to me: "I forgive you, the things we write off before, now we can start again." I looked at her, I found that melancholy expression has been previously she had gone to throw, changed back into a happy face. This matter urgent oh ended with such a good ending.
Big eyes, small face, this is a lovely located the epicenter, located the epicenter is a very lively and lovely girl, skipping a day like never worry, naughty and located the epicenter is like watching ghost story, every time she give me love that ghost story, I can run far, afraid to hear. Located the epicenter was very helpful, on one occasion, I wrestling, every one is broken, is located the epicenter accompanied me all the way to the infirmary, also often ask me painful not painful, I am very touched.
Wheat color skin, messy hair, deep dimples, is wang's jokes. Wang in my eyes, it is a a little outgoing girl. Every time I say a little to stimulate her words, she immediately jumped up and to pretend that he want to beat me, every time I run far. But wang is also very enthusiastic, every time, no matter what they called her, she is very willing to, she is a good eye "crazy" girl.
Enter the palace of middle school, began a new life. In my heart silently prayed, hope that we can together. Have a class together, laughing together, go home together. However, everything is not like what I imagine. It was as if although everyone together, but passers-by. The friendship, the friendship between us? It ran to where go to? Sometimes, I also want to; Really like brother said, in the middle school, friendship is not before. Later, I met a new friend, we like elementary school, about smiling and laughing. I even began to feel the friendship is very funny, after three years, these friends will become strangers? However, when one day I bumped into a primary school, with my best friend, my friend, it seems, are still as before, so warm and lively. She said I changed. I asked her, friendship will disappear? "No," she said, everybody together chat, often mention you, say you now, there seems to be a heart ". Now I finally understand, we still together, are still friends, is I think too much. Later, met, can also play together, laughing together. What are you waiting for me, wait for me and they together outing, homework together, talk about their life and study in school...
My friends, please believe in your friends, your friendship, and cherish it.
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