1. in conclusion…
2. on account of this we can find that…
3. the result is dependent on…
4. therefore, these findings reveal the following information:
5. thus, this is the reason why we must…
6. to sum up …
7. as far as…be concerned, I believe that…
8. It is obvious that…
9. There is little doubt that…
10. There is no immediate solution to the problem of …, but …might be helpful
1. None of the solutions is quite satisfactory The problem should be examined in a new way
2. It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on…
3. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that…
4. As it is described that…
5. It has been illustrated that…
6. It provides a good example of…
7. We may cite another instance of…
8. History man provides us with the examples of…
9. A number of further facts may be added…
10. The situation is not unique, it is typical of dozens I have heard
1. A recent investigation indicate that…
2. According to the statistics provided …
3. According to a latest study, it can be predicted…
4. There is no sufficient evidence to show that…
5. All available evidence points to the fact that…
6. Examples given leads me to conclude that…
7. It reveals the unquestionable fact that…
8. The idea may be proved by facts…
9. All the fact s suggest that…
10. No one can deny the fact that…
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