Victor Muchuruza, E.
352 Pennell Cir Apt 5
Tallahassee, ss
Phone: 850sss
URL: ssss
Roadway, site, and utilities design,
Traffic engineering and transportation planning,
stormwater modeling and drainage design,
Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Optimization, Simulation and modeling of traffic flow,
Agent Based and Cellular Automata simulations,
Analysis of traffic operations and highway safety,
Engineer Intern EIT.
Ph.D., Florida State University, 2006
Thesis: Stochastic Modelling of Traffic Crashes
Cumulative GPA 3.92.
M.S in Civil Engineering, Major Transportation Engineering
Florida State University, December 2003
Cumulative GPA: 3.95.
B.S in Civil Engineering, Major Transportation and Highway Engineering
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Nov 2001
Cumulative GPA: 4.3 5.0 Scale.
Traffic Flow Theory, Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety, Traffic Simulation and Modeling, Computer Aided Highway Geometric Design LDD, Statistical Applications in Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Application of GIS in Transportation Planning, Transportation Demand Modeling, Highway Pavement Design, Engineering Surveying, Object Oriented Programming C++, Applied Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design, Design of steel structures, Design of reinforced concrete structures, Environmental Engineering, hydraulics, and Project control in construction, Construction management & site organization.
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL 2004-2006
Research Assistant
Works involved simulation and modeling of traffic flow and safety. Design algorithm and implementing by writing computer programs in C++. Testing and verifying the simulation model results.
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 2003-2006
Traffic Engineering lab webmaster.
Designed and maintaining traffic engineering website.
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, November 2003
Research Assistant
Works involved field data collection, MUTCD warrant analysis, delay studies in the Traffic Signal Warrant Study at Lipona Road and Belle Vue Way Intersection in Tallahassee, FL
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 2002-2003
Research Assistant
Works involved statistical analysis of the effect of minimum speed limits on rural interstate freeways
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 2002
Research Assistant
Works involved evaluation of the accuracy of methods used to locate roadway crashes on Florida State highways
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL 2002-to 2002
Research Assistant
Works involved laboratory testing of adhesives used in installation of sensors used for traffic classification.
September 2001- November 2001 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL, Tanzania
Assistant Consultant
Reviewed training needs assessment for district engineers. Assisted in advisory services on tender evaluation and preparation of tender and contract documents. Prepared training programmes for labour-based and machine-based road work contractors.
June 1999-September 1999 MINISTRY OF WORKS, Tanzania
Structural Engineer Trainee Internship
Assisted in the structural design of the four-storey UNHCR building. Prepared contract documents, bills of materials, and estimates for UNHCR building.
June 1998-September 1998 KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Tanzania
Civil Engineer Trainee Internship
Assisted in the supervision of road work, which include material and work scheduling, setting out of roadway alignment, structural concrete and pavement works.
Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 2003- to date
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Renatus Mussa.
Assisted in preparation of the course notes, homework, term design projects, tutoring students
Causes assisted: TTE 3004-Transportation Engineering, TTE5305-Traffic Engineering, TTE 5805-Highway Geometric Design, TTE 5256-Traffic Operations
• Evaluation of the relevance of minimum speed limit on Interstate highways in Florida 2002-04
• Geometric design of Orange Avenue Extension2002
• Geometric design of Blair Stone NE extension. 2004
• Operational and safety evaluation of Tennessee/Capital Circle Intersection 2002
• Operational and safety evaluation of Railroad/ Gaines Intersection2003
• Corridor analysis of Gaines street 2003
• Traffic warranty study at Bellevue/Lipona Intersection2003
Statistical Packages: SAS, STATA, S-Plus
Traffic Simulation Packages: SYNCHRO PRO, CORSIM, HCS, VISSIM, TRANSYT 7F
GIS Packages: ArcView, ArcGIS
CAD Packages: AutoCAD, Microstation
Highway Design Packages: Autodesk Land Desktop Development, Eagle Point, Inroads/GEOPAK.
Urban Transportation Modeling Packages: Cube Voyager
Data Management Packages: MS ACCESS, MS EXCEL
Programming Languages: C++, Java, Paschal, Prolog, Matlab, SQL, HTML
Other Applications packages: MS office XP, Macromedia, Lindo, MS Project, MS Publisher, Front Page
Muchuruza, V., Mussa, R., and Thuo, G. Estimating the Likelihood of Traffic Conflicts and Crashes Using Cellular-Based Micro-simulation, submitted for review at Journal of Transportation Research Board.
Muchuruza, V., Thuo,G., and Mussa, R.. Simulation and Evaluation of Cellular-Based Traffic Model. Submitted for review at The Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Journal.
Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. Cellular Based Traffic Micro-Simulation: Kinematical Approach. Submitted for review at ASCE Journal of Transportation.
Mussa R, and Muchuruza, V. “Safety Analysis of Florida Rural Interstate Freeway Travel in Relation to the 40 MPH Minimum Speed Regulation” ASCE Journal of Transportation Article in Press, 2006.
Muchuruza, V. and Mussa, R. Nationwide Survey on the Posting of Minimum Speed Limit Signs on Interstate Freeways. Journal ofTransportation Research Part A, Vol. 40., No. 9, November 2006.
Mussa, R., and Muchuruza, V. “Improving Cellular Automata Modeling of High Speed Traffic Flow.” In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering to be held in Montreal, Canada, on June 14-16, 2006.
Muchuruza,V., and Mussa, R. “Cell Based Micro-Simulation: An Alternative Approach”. In Proceedings of 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 06-0781, Washington, D.C., January, 2006.
Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. “Operational and Safety Evaluation of Freeways with Posted Minimum Speed Limit” Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3, Fall 2005.
Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. “Traffic Operation and Safety Analyses of Minimum Speed Limit on Florida Rural Interstate Highways” In Proceedings of the 2005 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa. August18-19, 2005
Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. “Operational and Safety Evaluation of Freeways with Posted Minimum Speed Limit” Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Fall 2005.
Muchuruza, V and Mussa, R. “Speed on Rural Interstate Highways Relative to Posting the 40 mph Minimum Speed Limit”. Journal of Transportation and Statistics Vol 7 No2/3 2004.
Mussa, R. and Muchuruza, V. “Quantifying Effects of 40 MPH Minimum Speed Limits on Interstate Freeways in Florida .” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Florida Section, Sarasota, FL, March, 2004.
Muchuruza,V and Mussa, R. “Evaluating the Relevance of 40 MPH Minimum Speed Limit on Interstate Freeways”. In Proceedings of 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 2595, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2004
Muchuruza, V. “Mobile Communication Technologies for Disseminating Real-Time Information to Motorists”. ORMS Tomorrow, Fall 2002
Mussa, R., Sando, T., and Muchuruza, V. “Laboratory Evaluation of Adhesives Used in Installation of Piezoelectric Sensors.” Poster presentation at the North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition & Conference, Orlando, FL, May 12-16, 2002.
The Book Scholarship Award. Awarded by the Big Bend Florida Chapter of the Institute of Transportation EngineeringITE, December 2005.
The Dissertation Research Grant. Awarded by the Florida State University Office of Graduate Studies to assist the research of my dissertation, February 2006.
Who\'s Who in the Chancellor\'s list, 2004-2005
Associate Member: Institution of Transportation Engineers ITE.
Member: Tau Beta Pi, Engineering honor society.
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