1988年畢業於吉林農業大學作物栽培學與耕作學專業,獲農學碩士學位。碩士畢業後留校一直從事藥用植物栽培、加工及生物技術方面教學與科研工作。2001年受國家留學基金委支助,在荷蘭Utrecht大學分子植物生理研究小組研修1年,主要是關於糖訊號研究工作,導師J.C.M. Smeekens。2002年在本校作物栽培學與耕作學專業獲得博士學位。
近年來,為本科生主講《藥用植物栽培學》、《藥用植物研究法》、《藥用植物生物技術》3門專業課,《專業英語》1門專業基礎課;為研究生主講《藥用植物栽培新技術》、《中藥學Seminar》2門專業課,《專業英語》1門專業基礎課。領導《藥用植物栽培學》教研組,2004年將該課程建設為省級優秀課程。主持和參加完成省級以上科研專案12項,主持專案主要有:吉林省科技廳重點專案——“參地短期輪作制研究”、“改進紅參加工工藝研究”、“吉林省平貝母無公害規範化生產示範基地建設”,國家科技部 “十五”重大科技專項“平貝母規範化種植研究”。其中主持的吉林省科技廳重點科研專案“參地短期輪作制研究”1997 -2001,已於2004年獲吉林省科技進步三等獎。主編、參編教材、專著7部,其中2004年主編的“高等農林院校十五規劃教材”——《藥用植物栽培學》,獲2005年全國農業院校優秀教材獎。發表中藥材有關的科研論文31篇。現主持省級以上在研科研專案4項,合同經費120萬元,到位經費65萬元。
1974-1976年 安徽省鳳陽縣大廟公社東陵大隊知青
1976-1978年 安徽省鳳陽縣大廟公社大廟大隊黨支部書記
1978-1982年 北京大學法律系學習,校學生會負責人
1982-1983年 北京大學團委書記
1983-1985年 共青團中央學校部部長兼全國學聯祕書長,共青團中央書記處候補書記
1985-1993年 共青團中央書記處書記兼全國青聯副主席其間:1991年9月-11月中央黨校學習
1993-1998年 共青團中央書記處第一書記兼中國青年政治學院院長1988-1994年北京大學經濟學院經濟學專業在職研究生學習,獲經濟學碩士、博士學位
1998-1999年 河南省委副書記、代省長
1999-2002年 河南省委副書記、省長
2002-2003年 河南省委書記、省長
2003-2004年 河南省委書記、省人大會主任
2004-2005年 遼寧省委書記
2005-2007年 遼寧省委書記、省人大會主任
2007- 中央政治局,遼寧省委書記、省人大會主任
Job objectives
Search for colleges and universities or research institutes and the work of enterprises and institutions engaged in teaching or research activities.
Personal Information
Name Date of Birth Sex Male XXX ***
Graduated from Zhejiang University, academic institutions, professional Dr animal nutrition and feed science
2007-07 English proficiency graduation time CET6
Origin, marital status *** *** *** political landscape
Personal evaluation
I am honest sincere, character, cheerful, mature self-confidence, positive; good communication, a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility, strong organizational skills; thinking active, good at innovation, a strong practical ability, suitable for scientific research and development, teaching and business management aspects of the work of
Learning experiences
Zhejiang University 2004.9-2007.7 animal nutrition and feed science PhD
2001.9-2004.7 ******
1997.9-2001.7 *****
Foreign language
CET-6. Solid foundation in English, I heard that a strong reading and writing skills, read a foreign language periodicals, literature, good at English writing
Professional skills
To proficiency in organization and cell culture
Proficiency in immunocytochemical technology
Good animal husbandry management and feed resources development, use of
Familiar with commonly used office software and feed formulas, SAS statistical software, etc., to carry out the maintenance of local area network
Main Courses
Molecular and Cellular Biology of animal, animal cell engineering, control the topic of animal nutrition, animal nutrition and feed the progress of scientific research, basic research techniques, such as veterinary science
Engaged in research projects
2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the National Natural Science Foundation Project "somatic cell-induced embryonic germ stem cell proliferation and differentiation mechanism of" research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.
2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the Ministry of Education project "poultry reproductive stem cells as the carrier of the bio-reactor research platform," the study subjects engaged in the work of stem cell transplantation.
2005.1 ~ 2007.6, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province to participate in the project "reproductive stem cells for the vector of avian bioreactor platform for the establishment of" research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.
2006.7 ~ 2007.6, Zhejiang Province Office of Education to participate in the project "Effects of ginsenosides on the proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells of the very mechanism of the impact of" the subject of research, the proliferation of primordial germ cells engaged in the work of regulation.
Research experience
Mammalian oocytes and early embryos in vitro
Embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells in vitro
Oocyte maturation and type A spermatogonia proliferation control
Address :****************
Tel :********
Email :*************
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