Educate training background
On September 1, 2001 to July 1, 2005 Tianjin college of commerce market marketing bachelor#39;s degree
Occupation technical ability
The English profession hear stronger English of the ability of read and write six classes
Usage and maintenance of the calculator database the nation be second class
The secretary has the technical ability of secretary, assistant, masterly applied transact a software nation x-rated
Evaluate by one#39;s own
1, more abundant advertisement plan, carry out and market marketing experience
2, stronger study ability
3, excellent organization, moderate and communicate ability
The work experience
On August 2, 2005 up to sea Er whole kitchen department advertisement department
Advertisement plan manager national and large activity, start practice of plan, performance
Be responsible for shop front to manage a work everyday to April, 2005 true store of Wei Si long assistant in November, 2004
On September 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004:College of commerce market marketing knowledge in the Tienjin study
Item experience
March, 2006:The sea Er exhibition in kitchen Hangzhou will be responsible for the cloth exhibition of the spot and join the exhibition of related affair
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
March, 2006:The national monopoly store green experiences personally a large ctivity plan a performance
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
April, 2006:The sea Er whole kitchen Qingdao Dun turns road flagship a store to start practice the plan and performance of project
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
May, 2006:The whole country is green universal storm the large ctivity plan carry out
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
June, 2006:The national world cup Jing guesses the plan and performance of activity
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer evaluate: good
July, 2006:Join the exhibition of the sea Er whole green Bo meeting in kitchen Qingdao
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
July, 2006:The plan performance of the sea Er whole ice great salon activity of"summer cool" of the road flagship store of kitchen Fuzhou
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
August, 2006:The whole kitchen of the "international sail boat match in the Qingdao" sea Er join the exhibition
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
September, 2006:The plan performance of "the soufun house resides 100 webmaster of net line in Qingdao" activity
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
September, 2006:The sea Er whole news conference of kitchen Peking
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
October, 2006:The sea Er whole arched bridge road flagship store of kitchen Shanghai starts practice a plan performance
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
October, 2006:The national middle-class family kitchen appears on market the plan performance of activity
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
December, 2006:Nanking zero formaldehydes appear on market the plan and performance of activity
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
January, 2007:The plan which reside the profession sea south forum of Bo Ao in the Chinese house
The responsibility item participates a person
The customer
April, 2007:Zero formaldehyde kitchens in the Qingdao, Shanghai appear on market an activity
The responsibility representative director of the item
The customer
Other elucidation
Compare stronger organization coordination ability and the team cooperation spirit, reaction nimble, diligent, vivid contingency.Be good at communicating with person, study ability strong.
- 本科畢業生英文參考簡歷
- 古文經典的人生格言作為人生格言的古文
- 青春勵志微博語錄
- 高中生端午節黑板報內容資料
- 關於學生勤奮學習的演講稿
- 畢業班組鑑定範文
- 東方衛視播出的勵志電視劇
- 清明節前夕國旗下講話稿
- 養肝排毒食品有哪些養肝護腎又排毒的食物
- 大學生創業服務體系的構建
- 最新餐費補貼管理制度範本
- 沉香的藥用價值和副作用
- 水政水資源管理專業怎麼樣
- 遼寧中考語文閱讀真題答案
- 網頁防火牆有哪些作用
- 巨蟹座女生與金牛座男生適合嗎
- 慢性咽炎的治療用藥
- 大型會務工作接待活動安排
- 美麗的油畫簡單圖片
- 高傲的孔雀簡筆畫要怎麼畫
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字