Dear Tony,
thank you for the invitation to your birthday party last weekend. I had a wonderful time and enjoyed myself thoroughly. All the party arrangements, food and games were splendid. Your great friends and other guests were most jovial, friendly, humourous and entertaining. Do invite me to your next party.
Best Regards,
Dear Wang:
Hi~! How have you been these days? I would like to express my gratitude to you for your kind treatment and good care during the summer. Specially, I appreciate it so much that your parents have had so much time with us for fun and all the delicous food prepared by your mother proved your mother's great cook skill! I will never forget the night we spent outside of your house, it was so much fun to have a party on the beach! You are welcome to ,if possible, come to my house the next holiday and I promise you will have a good time ! Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Dear mother, Thank you for your gift that I love very much.I believe I will be a wonderful day of my birthday. As I sleep in your arm,I'm amazed at your love.On this unusual and important day, I will say thank you sincerely.And your love move me deeply. Mom,thank you again.I wlii never let you doow. On this day, please acceept my best love and wishes.
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