A:Say, what's you favorite sport?
B:Hmmm..., it's hard to say. I like golf a lot-but I guess like skating better.
A:Do you know how to skate, like a skater?
B:No, I'm strictly a spectator. I just like watching skating. It's so beautiful.
A:Then you must know a lot about skating.
A:Speaking from a broad sense, Yoga is philosophy; speaking from a narrow sense, Yoga is a kind of activity that combines spirit and flesh. The Yoga we are talking about refers to the method of pracTice, which is used to promote people's physical, intellectual and mental harmony and health.
B:I see Yoga is very popular in India nowadays and furthermore, the Indian people hold a right and simple attitude to Yoga. They make use of its ways of obtaining a healthy physical condition and keeping physiological harmony to reach a perfect spiritual state. It is not randomly followed to pursue vogue. Scientists, teachers, doctors, businessmen, administrators, students, peasants and housewives are all practicing Yoga.
C:Not only this. From America to Europe,from Japan to Australia, even in Africa it is very popular. Yoga has become the treasure of all human beings.
A:Most Indians practice Hatha-Yoga. Through physical and mental control to purify the people's body and spirit to ensure the balance and harmony of body and mind.
B:In fact, Yoga is inter-linked with some“exercises"of ancient China, such as the Daoyin Exercise.
A:That is why they are all oriental cultures. I will have a thorough study if I have the chance thereafter.
N:Ping-pong must be the top-ranking popular sport in China. It seems to me in every school, factory, army unit, or residential area, men and women, young and old, are swinging paddles.
L:You got it! In a sense, it has become a byword for Chinese sport.
N:What do you think might be the source of its popularity?
L:I think its critical advantage lies in its low cost. All you need is a racket, a table and a light celluloid ball. Tables are usually available in public recreation areas, like finess rooms, and outdoor playgrounds...
N:And sometimes a substitute table can be made out of a few desks.
L:Put it there! In senior high schools, we used to play on desks in the classroom, when no vacant tables were available. Likewise, the racket may take a variety of forms, too.Anything that resembles a racket, from a plank to cardboard or even a hardcover book, may be used as a racket.
N:Haha, these are very good inventions. All these speak the public's fondness for the sport
L:Yeah, the sport is affordable and accessible to every Tom, Dick and Jane in this developing country. No wonder even the state leaders are known to be keen on it.
N:I know President Hu Jintao likes playing ping-pong.
L:Actually, he excels in it. Chairman Mao, too, encouraged the whole nation to play ping-pong as a part of the nationwide body building campaign.
N:I see. There was also the famous ping pong diplomacy, wasn't there?
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