Once upon a time, there was a humble rabbit who had very good manners. One day, he went to a farm to eat some vegetables. When his stomach was full he thought of leaving. Unexpectedly, he met a fox.
從前有一隻兔子,它非常謙虛,待人處世也彬彬有禮。有一 天,它到農民的菜園裡去摘菜吃。當它把肚子填得脹鼓鼓的,正 準備離開時,遇到了一隻狐狸。
The fox was on his way back to the forest. In fact, he tried to steal a chicken but in vain.
這隻狐狸正要返回森林。原本它是想到農家院子裡去偷只雞 來,結果一無所獲。
He was starving! When the rabbit saw the fox, he was very frightened. He swiftly ran to a cave. Nevertheless, he felt that without permission he should not enter anyone's home. 它肚子餓極了。 兔子見到狐狸,心裡一驚,連忙飛快地跑向一個山洞。它知 道未經許可不能隨便進入別人的地方,
"I shall greet the cave before I go in, he thought. Thus, he said politely, "Dear Cave, how are You? May I come in?" The big snake inside was so pleased to hear the voice of the rabbit that he said, "
¨應當先跟山洞打個招呼,” 兔子想。於是兔子彬彬有禮地說:¨親愛的山洞,你好啊!我可以 進來嗎?” 洞裡的蛇聽出這是兔子的聲音,真是喜出望外,便迴應道:
Hurry up and come in" At once the rabbit knew who was inside the cave. "Excuse me, " he said, "I think my mother is waiting for me at home. Farewell now " The rabbit swiftly turned and dashed off.
¨歡迎!快進來吧! 兔子一聽聲音就知道洞裡是誰了。 ¨請原諒,¨兔子說,¨我想我媽媽還在家裡等我呢!再見!¨ 兔子一拔腿,便跑得不見蹤影。
The big snake curled himself up in the cave, feeling very frustrated He said. "Such a polite rabbit I shouldn’t have answered him at all "
The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.
"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"
"Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"
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