Why didn‘t you call me? 你為什麼不打電話給我?
I called,but the line was busy 我打給你了,但線路忙
I tried to call you several time yesterday 昨天我給你打了好幾次電話
Oh,I have so many frends and always talking on the phone 我有很多朋友而且總喜歡講電話
You’re always talking on the phone 你總是愛煲電話粥
The line is busy.Please redial later 電話線路忙,請稍後再撥
I cant‘t get through 我打不通
No one answers the phone 沒人接聽電話
Can you get it? My hands are tied. 你能不能去接電話? 我現在不能接
Sorry, he can’t come to the phone right now 對不起,他現在有事不能來接電話
He is tied up right now. He is in a meeting 他現在無法接聽電話,他正在開會
He is on another line 他正在接另外一個電話
He is working 他正忙著呢
He has a guest right now 他現在有客人
We are unable to take your phone at the moment 我們這時候不能接聽你的電話
Could you tell me when he‘ll be available? 請問他什麼時候有空?
Maybe he’ll be free in an hour 大概一小時以後吧
Would you mind calling back later? 你介意稍後再打來嗎?
I‘ll call back later 我待會再給他打電話吧
I’ll call you back in five minutes. 我五分鐘後回你電話。
Could you call me later? 等一會兒打給我好嗎?
I‘m going to call you later 我過一會打電話給你
I’m gonna have to call you back. 我一會兒打給你。
But I have something pressing 但我有急事
I‘ll get right back to you 我會馬上回你電話
You’ve reached Emily, Leave a message. 有已經接通艾米莉,請留言。
Please leave a message at the tone 請在“嘟”聲後留言
I‘m sorry, there’s no one named Anna here. Are you sure you have the right name? 對不起,這裡沒有人家安娜,你確認是這個名字嗎?
I‘m sorry, but I don’t know that name. You must have the wrong number 對不起,我不知道這個名字,你一定是打錯了
I‘m sorry, but There’s nobody here by this name. 抱歉,這裡沒有這個人
Wrong number 錯了
I‘m sorry, I’m afraid you ‘ve got the wrong number 抱歉,恐怕你打錯電話了
I think you have the wrong number 我認為你打錯號碼了
You dialed the wrong number 你撥了個錯誤的號碼
What number are you calling? 你撥打的號碼是什麼?
What number did you dial? 你撥的號是多少?
What number are you trying to dial? 你撥的是什麼號碼?
It’s 421-5562. Isn‘t it right? 是421-5562,不對嗎?
No. It isn’t. It‘s 421-5582. 不是,這裡是421-5582
I’m sorry to have bothered you 對不起打擾你了
Sorry, I dialed the wrong number 對不起,我打錯了
I‘m sorry I have got the wrong number 對不起,我打錯了
I must have dialed a wrong number 我一定撥錯號了
Never mind 沒關係
That’s all right 沒關係
I can‘t hear you very well. 我聽不太清楚。
Sorry. I didn’t quit catch that 對不起,我沒聽清楚
Would you speak more slowly? 你能再說慢一點嗎?
Could you speak up a little? 你能在大聲一點嗎?
Could you speak louder,please? 你能大點聲說好嗎?
Would you speak more clearly? 你能再說清楚一點嗎?
I beg you pardon? 能請你再說一遍嗎?
Could you repeat that, please? 能請你再說一遍嗎?
Pardon? 請再說一遍好嗎?
Excuse me? 抱歉請再說一遍?
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