



  I have a computer.我有一臺電腦。



  I want to have a kilo of meat.我想買一公斤肉。


  Excuse me, may I have your pen?打擾了,我可以用用你的鋼筆嗎?


  I have /eat an egg for breakfast.我早餐吃一個雞蛋。


  The students are having a class.學生們在上課。


  Thank you for having me.感謝你們邀請我。







  The litte green man

  It was cold and windy. Mary was sitting in the sitting-room, she was reading today's news paper.

  Suddenly, she heard a noise, " hiss hiss ", John came in then. Mary asked, " Do you hear a noise like hiss hiss?" "Oh, yes. I heard it." Suddenly, they heard another noise, "hum hum", "Oh, there‘s green light outside the window." John said, " I feel very much afraid."

  After green light, a little man walked out from a spaceship, who was very short and his skin looked green.The green man said, " Don‘t be afraid. I come from M51." Mary and John were not afraid then. The green man was glad. "Hello, this is the earth. " Mary said. The man said, " Oh, I‘m hungry. Can I have some food?" "OK." Mary said. After a while, John took out many snacks. The man said, "Oh, this is so good and that is good too." Mary and beamed with smiles.

  ter an hour, the man would go back to hi spaceship. He said to Mary and John, " Thank you very much and I‘ll miss you, bye-bye!" He said it and then he got into spaceship. Mary and John said to him, " Bye-bye, welcome back again and have a nice trip home."

  Obey the Traffic Rules

  One of my classmates was knocked down by car last term. He was badly hurt. He had to stay in the hospital for several months. We were very sad.

  One night, he felt very hungry. He wanted to buy some easy noodles to eat. He ran very fast. He didn’t stop when the traffic lights were red. He couldn’t escape. His legs were injured. He said that was a terrible可怕的 memory. He said he would obey the traffic rules forever.

  Please always remember the traffic rules. It is very important for us. Life is wonderful. Let’s obey the rules at any time.