烏鴉喝水Crow drink water
There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty. He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can't drink the water,because the bottle's neck is very long. So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away. After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle. He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle. The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the bird can drink.
我的五一假期My May Day
I had a long holiday for May Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.
During those days, I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then, I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting. Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party.
空氣 Air
Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.
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