




  對大多數學習英語的同學來講,英語的辭彙量、句式的積累還極其有限,遠不能到達用英文流暢表達,揮灑自若的地步。在這一階段進行創作是分歧時宜的,假如非要創造,只能寫出long time no see這樣的文字來。因此,模仿是這一階段的必經途徑。




  最後,模仿要體現在實際動筆上。比如說,新概念第三冊有一個句式說:&for the *** reasonthat&表示某種現象的緣由是甚麼,用在大學英語考試中,我們就可以夠拿來解釋為甚麼自行車在中國如此的流行,表達為:The bicycleis very popular in China for the *** reasonthat&。然而,很多同學經常背了這些句式不用,一談到緣由依然是&because&,等等。



  有個翻譯界的故事說:在某大型國際會議的接待會上,一道菜是用雞蛋做的。與會的客人問翻譯:What is it madeof?本來是非常簡單的一個題目,結果翻譯太緊張,忘了egg這個詞,但是他急中生智,回答:It is made of MissHens son.這裡,就是一個靈活變通的範例。繞道表達,是寫作中應當經常應用的一種方法。




  二、好思路是成就好作文的關鍵。有了好的思路,那麼接下來可謂就是漢譯英了。功底好的同學可以用長難句,普通的同學可用簡單明瞭的短句表達,在保證正確的前提下在達到優化。這樣就避免了無話可說,無字可寫的窘境。 這裡文都老師提醒同學們平時可以多練練多寫寫作文,點滴積累必成質變。例如2015《大學英語四級考試真題精析與標準預測》不僅包含最新的9套真題和3套標準預測卷,就附帶有“詞彙”、”詞彙練習”、“閱讀”、“選詞填空”、“聽力”、“寫作”、“翻譯”等小冊子,同學們可以做題的同時得到專項的訓練,一舉兩得。


  Part І Academic English Writing 專業英語寫作 Chapter 1 Six Considerations in Academic Writing

  1、Academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose and strategy ,organization, style, flow and presentation.

  學術寫作六要素:寫作物件,目的,組織結構,文體特徵,表達連貫和宣講 或宣讀。

  2、Organization usually has the following four parts : 問題-解決方法包括四個部分

  1 description of a situation 描述情況

  2 Identification of a problem 甄別問題

  3 Description of a solution 描述解決方法

  4 Evaluation of the solution 評估解決方法

  3、Formal Grammar Style:正規的語法風格

  1 Generally avoid contractions 一般來講避免使用略縮詞

  例:won’t改為will not

  2 Use the more appropriate formal negative forms 使用更為適宜的正規的否定 形式

  例:not...any改為no not...much改為little not...many改為few

  3 Limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. 限制使用 多個詞連用的表達法

  例:句子內不能出現and so forth和etc.出現時應將省略的部分擴展出來。

  4 Avoid addressing the reader as youexcept, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials.避免向讀者說“你”

  例:You can see the results in Table 1.

  改為:The results can be seen in Table 1.

  5 Be careful about using direct questions. In some fields they are common, while in others they are not.使用直接引語時需謹慎

  例:What can be done to lower costs?

  改為: It is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered.

  或者 We now need to consider how costs may be lowered.

  6 Place adverb within the verb. 將副詞放於動詞片語內 例:This model was developed by Krugman originally.

  改為:This model was originally developed by Krugman.

  7 Consider whether you should split infinitives.考慮是否該使用割裂不定式 例:We need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program.

  8 Aim for an efficient use of words. 目的是為了有效地使用詞彙 例:There are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the process of tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising. 改為:Some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise.


  1You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. 錯誤:使用了you。

  改為:This model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.

  2OK, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? There’re a lot of possibilities.

  錯誤:使用了口語OK;直接引語的使用;使用了縮略詞There’re。 改為:Coffee prices have fallen for many reasons.

  3You can see the difference between these two approaches to designing underground subway stations clearly.


  改為:The difference between these two approaches to designing underground subway station can clearly be seen.

  4Recent research has shown that the arms are used commonly for protection during a fall to the ground.


  改為:Recent research has shown that the arms are commonly used for protection during a fall to the ground.

  5So far, there hasn’t been any comprehensive study looking into the role of smiling in getting the initial trust of individuals.

  錯誤:使用了So far;使用了there be 結構;使用了not...any結構;使用了非正式的looking into。

  改為:To date, no comprehensive study has examined the role of smiling in gaining the initial trust of individual.

  6There are some studies that have concluded that bamboo could be used by builders more widely than it is now as a construction material.

  錯誤:使用了there be 結構;副詞widely 位置放錯。

  改為:Some studies have concluded that bamboo could be more widely used 2

