With the development of the society, China has stepped on the road of internationalizaion. And as all sides of reasons, English has become the international language. Thus, there are more and more Chinese learn English as to catch up with the world. Chinese government also realize this, so they require Chinese, especialy students, learn English. Then there is still a question that how to learn English well. First of all, learning English well needs perseverance. Because learning English well is a long-term process. If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will master it one day. If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday in order to learn it well.
Secondly, learning English well needs us open our mouth. The aim to learn a language is to speak it. No one will admit you learn a langeuage well without speaking it out. Many Chinese students have learned is“dumb English”. That is a big problem. So, in order to learn English well, we should often talk with our friends, classmates and teachers in English.
Thirdly, the best way to master a language is tobe personally on the scene. So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while. When they come back home, their oral English must have improved.
To sum up, learning English well is not easy. But we can take masures to make it done through perseverance, talking and going abroad.
隨著社會的發展,中國已經踏上了國際化的道路。由於方方面面的原因,英語也成為了國際語言。因此,越來越多的中國人為了與世界接軌而學習英語。而中國政府也意識到這一點,所以他們要求中國人學習英語,尤其是學生。問題是如何學好英語呢? 首先,學好英語需要毅力。因為把英語學好是一個長期的過程。如果我們堅持每天學習英語,總有一天我們能夠掌握它。如果我們只是學了一小段時間就放棄了,到最後我們會是什麼都沒有學到。因此,為了學好英語,我們應該每天學習它。
Recently the issue of students’ study has been brought to public attention. Students are anxious about how to improve their scores. Some work very hard. They spend all their time on study. They do nothing except study. As far as I’m concerned, it is not a good way to study. Alternate work with rest is the best to study well. Students should try their best to learn knowledge as Francis Bacon said,”Knowledge is power”. However, they should have other recreational activities to relax themselves. Because people can do things more efficient after relaxed themselves’s more, people can obtain knowledge from many sources besides books, which is beneficial for study. Thus, combine exertion and rest is the best to study.
I always feel it a burden to learn knowledge after I go to school. As a small girl, I just want food and hang out to play for fun. Study seems the most difficult thing for me. Later, I figure out that the reason why I refuse to study is because I lack of interest. Some day, my teacher asked me to her office and she asked me to watch a TV show with her. Both of us laughed out loudly. When the show was over, she asked my opinion about the characters, then I gave her my own idea. My teacher said the things I learned from the show were the same as the book described. At this moment, I found the interesting way to learn knowledge. As the saying that interest is the best teacher and I am lucky to have it.
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